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[对话框与窗口] zzblog

具有网摘、链接、日志、作品及其相应的管理功能,修正部分: 1:美化了“留言”栏目 2:修正了“作品”栏目 3:增加了“作品”栏目的天气功能 4:修正了“图片”栏目 5:修正了“感悟心灵”栏目的对话框显示
With bookmarks, links, logs, works and corresponding management functions, fixed part: 1: beautify the message column 2: amendments to the works column 3: added a works section of the weather feature 4: the correction of the picture column 5: the revision of the perception of mind column of the dialog box display (2016-04-07, ASP, 1316KB, 下载1次)
