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[教育系统应用] 高校微信缴费系统说明-FFner.com

随着互联网技术的发展,微信公众号和支付的完善,采用微信平台进行高校缴费可以有效的解决传统方式的弊端。 学生缴费可以随时随地通过手机即可实现缴费,不用担心资金安全;学生家长也可以通过手机,为学生代缴费,防止一些意外发生。高校收费部门可以快捷便利的发布相关通知公告,准确及时的把学生应缴费用信息推送给学生;费用自动汇总到账户,不用担心资金的安全,并且可以实时的汇总分析数据。系统功能:1 实现公众号缴费 2 微信支付 3 学生缴费数据导入支持 4 学生缴费进度报表 5 学生缴费结果报表 6 系统自动对账 7 通知公告推送
With the development of Internet technology, the improvement of WeChat public number and payment, the use of WeChat platform for college tuition payment, can effectively solve the drawbacks of the traditional way. Student contributions can be paid at anytime and anywhere through the mobile phone, do not worry about the safety of funds; parents of students can also pay fees for students on behalf of the mobile phone, to prevent accidents. The charge department can conveniently issued the relevant notice, accurately and timely to student fees payable information pushed to students; the cost automatically aggregated into account, do not worry about the safety of funds, and can collect real-time data analysis. System function: 1 realize public number payment 2 WeChat payment 3 student payment data import support 4 student payment progress report 5 student payment results report 6 system automatic reconciliation 7 notice announcement push (2017-09-05, C#, 8187KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] xywzdh_v1.0

Adaptive campus site navigation for campus navigation site, suitable for students in the campus network to regulate the use of the internet. (2017-03-10, C#, 2913KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] Campus-secondary-trading-network

Secondary trading of campus network system, a student of secondary trading market. Content Complete (2016-04-30, C#, 2549KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] MySchoolApp

Realizing student information MIS system based on object oriented technology (2015-09-27, C#, 1219KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] daojishi

CPA exam countdown program, for recreational use, you greatly bypass, thank you (2015-05-13, C#, 44KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] ICBM

网吧计费管理源代码 可以运行使用,真实的使用效果....
Internet cafe billing management source code can be run using the real use of effects .... (2014-11-10, C#, 7204KB, 下载6次)


[教育系统应用] CSharp

C# examples featured information management system, which contains many of the classic C# code, suitable for beginners to use. (2013-11-26, C#, 5150KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] xin12

在线考试是校园网[2]开发的一款包含覆盖计算机等级考试、大学英语考试、研究生入学考试、职业类考试、财务类考试、工程类考试、外贸类考试、专升本、公务员考试等在内的各种无纸化考试系统。在考试完成之后可以进行自动评分等操作,还可以获得一张最终的成绩单,可以发送到邮箱保存,也可以在线打印。同时,最终自动评分的分数超过自动评分总分80 ,可以得到50个校园豆[3]。
She left her purse on the table as a test of the child s honesty. (2013-09-10, C#, 955KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] Winform

Branch Timetable Management Department professor of curriculum, class schedule, classroom, classroom teachers can Timetable teacher application and the Senate do not management (2013-03-06, C#, 1095KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] onlineexam

this is make by Cshape,it s name is online exam (2012-11-18, C#, 1236KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] mcExamOnLine

铭成在线考试网源码 为了保障整个系统的安全性,在线考试系统实现了分类验证的登录模块,通过此模块,可以对不同身份的登录用户进行验证,确保了不同身份的用户操作系统。 在抽取试题上,系统使用随机抽取试题的方式,体现了考试的客观与公正。 当考生答题完毕之后,提交试卷即可得知本次考试的得分,体现系统的高效性。在后台管理上,分后台管理员管理模块和试题管理模块。 分别适应不同的用户,前者只有系统的高级管理员才能进入,对整个系统进行管理。而后者只允许教师登录,教师可以对自己任教的科目试题进行修改,并且可以查看所有参加过自己任教科目的学生成绩。 首页登录地址:login.aspx 默认管理员帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx 默认教师帐号/密码:t001/111 默认学生帐号/密码:10020071106/111 数据库文件在App_Data下,附加即可
online Test System (2009-05-09, C#, 276KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] NE

Online examination system based on network characteristics of network online exam can be divided into two parts front and back-office design. The main candidates for future registration and registry systems, online examinations, as well as from the registry query results the background of the main candidates for the administrator of the information, test information, school information, test sets of questions and information management courses. (2009-04-25, C#, 1236KB, 下载63次)


[教育系统应用] jiaowu

基于C#语言的一个教务网数据库系统开发案例的源代码 ,很实用哦
Based on the C# Language as a teaching case database system development source code, it is practical Oh (2008-07-28, C#, 260KB, 下载7次)
