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[SQL Server] Daenet.Common.Logging

用于点网核心应用程序的SQL Server数据库日志记录的实现。
Implementation of Logging in SQL Server Database for Dot Net Core Applications. (2022-10-13, C#, 31KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] 6-ConsoleApp-DI-FluentMigrator-SqlServer_Produtos

Exemplo de execu??o de Migrations para cria??o de uma base de dados com informa??es de produtos a partir de uma Console Application criada com .NET 6, utilizando ainda inje??o de dependências, Logging, Fluent Migrator e SQL Server. (2022-04-27, C#, 9KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] CandidateInterviewer

.NET Core Web sample of candidate interviewer system. Solution includes: web site (ASP.NET Core Web Application), ORM (Entity Framework, Code First), Database (Microsoft SQL Server 2019). Web site allows job applicants to be tested in a selected subject. After passing the test, the system processes the results of the responses and displays a (2022-12-10, C#, 31066KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] egratedTerminal-FluentMigrator-SqlServer_Produtos

Exemplo de execu??o de Migrations para cria??o de uma base de dados com informa??es de produtos a partir de uma Console Application criada com .NET 6, utilizando ainda inje??o de dependências, Logging, Fluent Migrator, SQL Server e configura??es para execu??o no Visual Studio Code via Integrated Terminal. (2022-05-01, C#, 10KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] WindowsFormsApplication2

通过调用sql getdate()同步客户端和内网服务器时间
By calling sql getdate () synchronization client and network server time (2014-03-29, C#, 50KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] NE

明泰在线考试网 详细的介绍系统如何安装调试SQL Server 2005数据库Visual Studio 2008
Alpha online exam detailed description of how the system installation and commissioning of the SQL Server 2005 database Visual Studio 2008 (2013-05-16, C#, 1346KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] Csharp

C#连接Access、SQL Server、Oracle、MySQL、DB2和SyBase六种不同数据库的程序源码和需要注意的点
C# Connection Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, and SyBase six different database programs and the need to pay attention to point source (2009-11-07, C#, 3KB, 下载396次)


[SQL Server] qdhouse

青岛房产信息网 系统采用C#.NET,三层架构开发,后台采用Sql Server数据库.
Qingdao Real Estate Information Network System C#. NET, three-tier system developing, the background using Sql Server database. (2007-11-29, C#, 3991KB, 下载106次)
