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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(4) 
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[JavaScript/JQuery] wxpay

微信支付H5-V3 JQuery插件 支持H5页面支付JSSDK
WeChat payment H5-V3 JQuery plugin supports H5 page payment JSSDK (2022-06-22, C#, 10342KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 6qh.ykzywla.cn

Wechat promotes web pages, scans two-dimensional codes, adds Wechat friends, and jumps to the Wechat interface on the mobile phone, but can not automatically add friends, the page has its own copy function, two-dimensional codes (2019-04-04, C#, 1920KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Highcharts-7.0.3

Samples of third-party plug-ins for statistical reports, free of charge (2019-03-29, C#, 4016KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ampie_1.6.4.1

ampie_1.6.4.1 在画图工具中 ,在服务器端直接生成图片的又不美观又缺乏互动性,而在客户端用JavaScript生成的图片还是稍欠美感和互动性,所以最好看又最互动的报表方案应该是Flash报表方案了,这是官网最新的amChart包的饼图源码和例子。
ampie_1.6.4.1 in the drawing tool on the server side generated images directly to a lack of interaction not beautiful, but the client using JavaScript generated image or package is not very aesthetic and interactive, so the best and most interactive report view program should be reporting program Flash, this is the official website of the pie the latest amChart package source and example. (2010-05-25, C#, 125KB, 下载9次)
