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[通讯编程] PornTransport

c#做的端口转发工具,modbus传感器数据通过外网连接服务器的502端口,但是传感器又是的modbus从站,所以开发了这款转发工具,和一般的端口转发有区别,这里实现的是502-503端口的数据互转,502是tcpserver,503也是TCPserver,tcp client<-->tcpserver(502)<-->tcpserver(503)<--->tcpclient
The data of Modbus sensor is connected to the 502 port of the server through the external network, but the sensor is a MODBUS slave station. Therefore, this forwarding tool is developed, which is different from the general port forwarding. Here, 502 is tcpserver, 503 is tcpserver, TCP client < -- > tcpserver (502) < --- > tcpserver (503) < --- > tcpcclient (2020-08-21, C#, 214KB, 下载11次)


[通讯编程] wl136111-openmeeting2-master

openmeeting视频会议,仿QQ群视频,实现多人视频,多人语音,文字聊天,表情,共享PPT功能,自由发言,主持人控制发言,按F2发言三种语音模式 ,客户端使用vs2010+qt4.85开发,服务器使用php+go语言,数据库采用mysql 演示系统所有密码都是123456,演示用户 8001~8010 ,安装包压缩文件内有安装说明书
Openmeeting video conference, imitation of QQ group video, realization of multi person video, multi person voice, text chat, expression, sharing ppt function, free speech, host control speech, three speech modes according to F2, client use VS2010 + qt4.85 development, server use PHP + go language, database use MySQL demonstration system all passwords are 123456, demonstration user 8001 ~ 8010, Installation instructions are included in the compressed file of the installation package (2020-03-12, C#, 19896KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] 好例子网_1-ClientDemo

Simulated Client Program Writtenusing c# (2019-01-28, C#, 1324KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] 西门子PLC以太网通讯组件

西门子S7协议通讯,使用与S7-200/300/400/1200等所有PLC型号的通信协议,可同时监控几百台PLC。 .C#语言开发,采用NET4.5框架,TCP通讯方式,通信效率高。
Siemens S7 protocol communication, the use of all PLC models such as S7-200/300/400/1200 communication protocols, can simultaneously monitor hundreds of PLCs. C # language development, using NET 4.5 framework, TCP communication mode, communication efficiency. (2019-01-07, C#, 196KB, 下载46次)


[通讯编程] 376.1报文解析工具

国网376.1报文解析工具,所有的报文都能正确解析,支持 Q/GDW 376.1-2009协议和 Q/GDW 1376.1-2013协议
Support Q/GDW 376.1-2009 Communication protocol and Q/GDW 1376.1-2013 Communication protocol (2018-09-27, C#, 287KB, 下载87次)


[通讯编程] duanxin

CMPP2接口源代码 SGMP3接口源代码 SGIP1.2接口源代码 CMPP2,SGMP3,SGIP网管程序 参考程序
CMPP2 interface source code SGMP3 interface source code SGIP1.2 interface source code CMPP2, SGMP3, SGIP network management procedures Reference program (2018-08-14, C#, 9458KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] MyQQsrc

实现QQ聊天软件 ,分为服务器端 客服端,测试通过 运行稳定
Achieve QQ chat software, divided into server side customer service end, test through stable operation (2018-07-04, C#, 979KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] slac015u

MSP430x13x_MSP430F14x_MSP430F15x_MSP430F16x_Code_Examples\C (2018-04-05, C#, 976KB, 下载1次)


[通讯编程] VB与倍福PLC以太网通讯的代码(Beckhoff_PLC)

The code for VB communication with the foe PLC Ethernet (Beckhoff_PLC) (2018-03-12, C#, 649KB, 下载12次)


[通讯编程] NCSchangeBCCH

Based on data replication, GSM mobile communication network the whole net frequency inverter. (2015-07-22, C#, 22526KB, 下载9次)


[通讯编程] Mobile

批量查询手机号码的归属地 在mobile.txt里填入所需查询的手机号码
Batch query phone numbers attribution to fill in the necessary inquiries in mobile.txt phone number (2014-05-16, C#, 147KB, 下载4次)
