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[Web服务器] 高级例程-以太网-HTTP网页服务器

HTTP网页服务器实验: 1、用网线将开发板和交换机、路由器相连,但要保证板子在一个网段内。 2、设置电脑的ip为:192.168.1.x,其中x为除253之外的数字(因为253被开发板占用)。 用JLINK将开发板和电脑连接,打开HTTP网页服务器实验工程,编译下载,运行。 打开浏览器,在地址栏输入: 则可以看到开发板发来的网页。
you can learn how to contact with a web in your PC through stm32F107 which runs this program. (2017-07-16, C#, 5911KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] apple.com

Sharepoint template page, imitation of the style of Apple' s official website, the page is a great texture. For learning is a good choice (2012-12-25, C#, 98KB, 下载14次)


[Web服务器] zbSoft

Asp.net2.0电子商务网源码 采用三层架构开发,前台集成了产品在线展示,用户注册、在线调查、在线投稿 后台有类别管理\图书管理\订单管理\会员管理\配送范围管理\邮件列表\广告管理\友情链接管理等 后台添加图书时自动生成缩略图和文字水印 主要参考了petshop的设计架构、使用了Asp.net2.0中很多MemberShip、master等新功能 后台管理地址/web/admin/ 超级管理员账号密码均为51aspx 特别提示:该系统需要Sql2005数据库环境支持
Source e-commerce network Asp.net2.0 A three-tier development, integrated front-line display of the product, the user registration, online surveys, online submission management background have a category \ library management \ Order Management \ Member Management \ distribution range management \ E-mail list \ Ad Management \ Friendly Link management background automatically add the book to generate thumbnails and the main reference text watermark design petshop structure, the use of Asp.net2.0 many MemberShip, master new features such as the background to the management of the address/web/admin/super administrator account password are particularly 51aspx NOTE: The system needs to support the database environment Sql2005 (2009-04-20, C#, 2475KB, 下载24次)


[Web服务器] SBV1.0Source

Tuo-yu SpaceBuilder from Qingdao Development Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a Web2.0-based thinking of the design, use of the development of community portals asp.net2.0 products. It is also a Web2.0 comprehensive solution, including: space, blog, photo album,网摘, documents, circles, events, news center, SNS and other functions may be based on any combination of customer demand, seamless integration. It uses industry-leading technology architecture, privacy protection, the user rating system, excellent caching technology, full-text search technology. 10 million that can carry data, with excellent scalability and provide a rich API, to facilitate customers, or the secondary development of product customization. (2008-11-19, C#, 8753KB, 下载56次)
