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[浏览器] CotGBrowser

Dedicated web browser for Crown Of The Gods game (2019-12-05, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[浏览器] CMCC

CMCC dialer prevent browser misuse lead off network (2012-11-27, C#, 2100KB, 下载11次)


[浏览器] MyWebIE

Every day, fast browser is used to display text, images and other information in the World Wide Web or LAN. These text or images, hyperlinks or links to other websites, users can quickly and easily browse a variety of information. The pages are generally HTML format. Some pages need to use a specific browser to display correctly. The browser is the most frequently used to the client program. (2012-10-14, C#, 180KB, 下载8次)


[浏览器] zxgXiaoshuo_51aspx

醉心阁小说网项目源码 文章可以分类添加,用户注册后可自行发布文章 具有用户积分和在线收藏夹功能 默认帐号密码51aspx 需要在IIS中设置站点的aspx到html的映射,功能类似大众小说网
Infatuated with the novel Ge network projects can be categorized as to add the article source code, users can self-publish the article after registration with user integration and on-line favorites feature default account password 51aspx need to set up IIS sites aspx to html mapping function similar to the popular novel network (2009-11-02, C#, 1018KB, 下载14次)
