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[ICQ/即时通讯] mchat

软件介绍 每个人进入聊天室不需要密码,当名字注册后可以受密码保护,别人就不能用你的名字进入了。有私聊,表情,颜色等部分功能,聊天室的主人有踢人权。点浏览器的刷新不会使聊客退出。可在线开设聊天室,室主可设定聊天室的功能,背景色等等。在简版中,可以注册名字,但不能修改密码等其它属性;可以开设聊天室,在申请时对聊天室进行设置,但不能修改设置。
Software introduction Each person entering the chat room does not require a password, when the name of the registration can be protected by password, others can not use your name to enter the. Private chat, face, color, and other parts of the function, the owner of the chat room to play human rights. Point of the browser refresh will not make chat off. Online chat rooms, the main function of the chat room can set the background color and so on. In the simplified version, you can register the name, but can not modify other attributes such as password, you can set up a chat room, in the application of the chat room to set up, but can not modify the settings. (2016-03-14, C#, 16KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ForLogin

自动登录谷歌网易QQ等各种邮箱,需要手动输入验证码。 还有些功能未完善。。。
QQ automatic login Google Netease and other mail, you need to manually enter the verification code. Some features are not perfect. . . (2013-11-27, C#, 150KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] gowk

聊天软件 仿QQ 但区别于QQ 用于内网及外网
Chat software like QQ, but different from the QQ is used within the network and outside the network (2013-05-15, C#, 4493KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Voice-calls

可以在公网文字聊天的软件 附带源码 基于socket的聊天
Public text chat software comes with source socket-based chat (2013-05-07, C#, 138KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] LanMsgCSharp2.0.0.1

LanMsg是一款用.net C# 开发的局域网即时通讯开源软件(经过简单修改可用于因特网),适合.net即时通讯软件开发者用。p2p原理,消息的内容采用串行化技术发送与接收(可发送任何自定义的数据类型)
LanMsg is a use. Net C# development of LAN instant messaging open source software (after simple modification can be used for the Internet), for. Net developer to use instant messaging software. p2p principle, the use of the contents of the message send and receive serial technology (you can send any custom data types) (2011-07-12, C#, 2693KB, 下载15次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] IMLibrary

说明: LanMsg是一款用.net C# 开发的局域网即时通讯开源软件(经过简单修改可用于因特网),适合.net即时通讯软件开发者用。 p2p原理(UDP打洞),消息的内容采用串行化技术发送与接收(可发送任何自定义的数据类型).为防止代码过多而引起查看难度,暂只提供本程序的2.0 Bate版 主要功能: 支持文件传输; 支持GIF动画表情; 支持屏幕截图发送; 支持音、视频对话; 支持对话记录保存于数据库操作等。 程序以实现局域网即时通讯功能为主(经过简单的修改便可用于internet,这部分留给有此需要的开发者)。
Description: LanMsg is a use. Net C# development of LAN instant messaging open source software (after simple modification can be used for the Internet), for. Net Use instant messaging software developer. p2p principles (UDP hole), the contents of the message used to send and receive serial technology (you can send any Custom data types) To prevent the code view caused by excessive difficulty, temporarily only version of this program 2.0 Bate Main features: Support for file transfer Support animated GIF expression Screenshot sent to support Support for audio, video conversation Support dialogue in the database record-keeping operation. Procedures to achieve LAN-based instant messaging (through simple modification can be used for internet, there is a need to leave this part of the Developer). (2011-07-12, C#, 1005KB, 下载109次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ-opens

QQ自动登录器 打开QQ后可自动登录QQ 无需再点击登录 方便快捷
QQ QQ opens automatically after login automatically logs do not need to click on the login QQ convenient (2011-04-08, C#, 307KB, 下载19次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] jubuwangliaotian

QQ chat local network similar to the code, using UDP protocol. Want to help you (2010-08-22, C#, 174KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatServer

Chat server-side, similar to QQ, but for the local area network [public network does not know how to do, please give some expert advice] (2009-02-25, C#, 21KB, 下载11次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] P2PServer(Net)

A program that can send message by making hole in subnet with C#. (2005-07-13, C#, 75KB, 下载339次)
