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[网络截获/分析] GetMac

Use C# to access network parameters, including the ip, mac, subnet mask, default gateway, etc. (2011-07-29, C#, 39KB, 下载25次)


[网络截获/分析] switch_act

功能 使局域网内的某主机断网 收不到数据包 可依据ip,mac地址,计算机名进行断网(非arp) 基于交换机mac表的自动学习功能 c#+sharppcap(winpcap开发包的c#插件)编写 环境 .net3.5+winpacp4.02
Feature allows a host within the LAN can not receive packets off network can be based on ip, mac address, computer name for planned outages (non-arp) switch-based auto-learning function mac table c#+ sharppcap (winpcap development kit c# plug cases) the preparation of the environment. net3.5+ winpacp4.02 (2009-11-04, C#, 185KB, 下载67次)


[网络截获/分析] Friend

校内网好友买卖辅助工具,功能不是很完善,大家可以继续开发,最新情况在 http://zihanlion.spaces.live.com
Xiaonei Friend trading aids, function is not very perfect, we can continue to develop the latest in http://zihanlion.spaces.live.com (2008-11-18, C#, 1352KB, 下载19次)
