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按分类查找All 远程控制/远程桌面(9) 
按平台查找All C#(9) 

[远程控制/远程桌面] Fail2Ban4Win

在子网进行足够多的错误登录尝试后,禁止使用Windows防火墙规则,如Windows E所示...
?? Ban subnets using Windows Firewall rules after they make enough incorrect login attempts, as indicated by Windows Event Log records. (2023-06-11, C#, 54KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] ms-rdp-nat-traverse

Microsoft Remote Desktop Intranet Penetration Assistant. (2016-04-13, C#, 932KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] ListRDPConnections

C# 读取本机对外RDP连接记录和其他主机对该主机的连接记录,从而在内网渗透中获取更多可通内网网段信息以及定位运维管理人员主机
C # reads the external RDP connection record of the local machine and the connection record of other hosts to the host, so as to obtain more network segment information accessible to the internal network and locate the O&M manager s host in the internal network penetration (2021-01-28, C#, 197KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] VncViewer-master

最新,vnc 源代码, 从官网下载,仅供学习参考,禁止商业利用
vnc source code,just for personally studying (2019-01-21, C#, 107KB, 下载5次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] Lookmypc

  下载LookMyPC远程桌面连接软件,可以获得使用LookMyPC远程控制组件(NetmanScreen.dll)和源码 自己开发一款远程桌面软件,快速的实现类似QQ远程协助,远程连接桌面的功能,还可以进行进行文件传输,屏幕控制共享剪切板等功能。   官网:http://www.lookmypc.com/   下载地址:http://down.netman123.cn/down/lookmypc.rar
Download LookMyPC Remote Desktop Connection software can be obtained using LookMyPC remote control assembly (NetmanScreen.dll) and own-source development of a remote desktop software, quickly achieve a similar QQ remote assistance, remote desktop connection feature, you can also transfer files, sharing screen control clipboard functions. Official website: http: //www.lookmypc.com/ Download: http: //down.netman123.cn/down/lookmypc.rar (2016-05-16, C#, 1218KB, 下载8次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] remoteopencomputer

remoteopencomputer (2014-12-27, C#, 54KB, 下载8次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] testdtmf

Telephone network-based remote control system, the use of chip ht9200 (2014-03-14, C#, 426KB, 下载4次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] CableLossSweep_RSFSH4_20130827_V08

This example is a through the network port to control the network analysis to measure example isolation shielding box. Factory production to environment in real time on the RF were detected, then the shielding box isolation is also must work. Hope that the shortcomings pointed out, the compiler environment: VS2010 (2014-01-06, C#, 2742KB, 下载6次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] remote-source-code

A powerful desktop computer monitoring software platform of multi machine, LAN real-time monitoring at the same time, the configuration is simple, automatic scanning online client when the host starts, multiple computer desktop switching display, display effect is excellent, the other is playing 720P and 1080P video case, the display effect is still smooth, this is a lot of remote software not to! Can be used for multimedia students monitor, company staff computer monitoring, personal entertainment and monitoring etc. (2013-09-30, C#, 80KB, 下载47次)
