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[WEB开发] s1

Sg-win Singapore, a win-win technology is a liar, I cheated 10000 dollars, gave the money to have no hair, no website, also do not refund. It s irritating, this is his telephone number 18811412525. We must be careful of such people, cheat others one thousand or two thousand is not so gas. Do you think 1W yuan is so good to earn back? A liar is a liar. His other website is 13.tt is the same person. Liar. (2016-06-10, FlashMX, 40KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] flash

该系统是在网博视频直播系统基础之上,加入文字语音聊天的功能。 该系统采用: Flash作为客服端,可嵌套进网页,访问者不用安装任何插件。 只要有客户访问某网页,系统会自动监控到有用户上线,系统自动语音提示客服人员对其跟踪客服。 服务器端采用:Fms2.0视频服务器系统。 Web端采用asp.net2.0技术 数据库采用mssql2000(DB_51aspx下为Sql数据库文件,附加即可)
The system is in the network video broadcast system based on the blog, add text voice chat function. The system uses: Flash as the customer service side, can be nested into the website, visitors without installing any plug-ins. As long as a customer to access a web page, the system will automatically monitor to a user on-line, the system automatically tracks the voice prompt customer service to its customer service. Server using: Fms2.0 video server system. Web client technology database used by asp.net2.0 mssql2000 (DB_51aspx under the Sql database file, add it) (2010-11-01, FlashMX, 7688KB, 下载63次)


[WEB开发] v7790_flash

这是一个简单、实用、美观、动态效果好、修改容易、适合个人、小型商业的FLASH全站。 也是本剑客发布的第一个FLASH网站,以后会有更多更好的FLASH发布上来。 此FLASH网站的特点: 1.此flash网站,修改极其容易,添加内容又极其方便,随时可以更改菜单名称和图片,包括你网站名字和广告词都可以随时修改,修改内容时只需要打开后缀名为txt的文本文件,而修改整个网站内容只需要10分钟,大大为你节约了宝贵时间。 2.此flash网站最大的特点和优点就是不用「数据库」,以文本为数据库,空间不用支持动态的ASP、PHP程序,只需支持HTML就可以了,网站所有数据是以文本方式储存的,这样对初学者和一般个人用户修改起来是非常方便的。 [color=#DC143C]我站地址:http://www.pa2007.com http://cqyb.pa2007.com 原来的“中国侠客网”模板地址变了[URL=http://www.pa2007.com/flash/xiake/]http://www.pa2007.com/flash/xiake[/URL][/color
This a simple, practical, beautiful, dynamic effects, and changes easy for individuals, FLASH small commercial station. This the first release swordsman named a Flash site, there will be more and better after the release onto FLASH. This FLASH website features : 1. This flash website, it is very easy to amend, add the content is extremely convenient, the menu can always change the name and picture, including your name and website advertisements can be modified at any time. The changes only need to open the suffix called txt text files, and change the whole site content need only 10 minutes, significant savings for your valuable time. 2. This site is the largest flash characteristics and advantages of is not the "database" to the text to the database, space not support dynam (2006-01-04, FlashMX, 671KB, 下载108次)


[WEB开发] hanshu

用于函数的的计算 表现两者的关系网页 文件 千帆文件 信息博物馆 主题 天网Maze悟空 查询测试 SEWM2005中文 Web信息检索评测通知 项目...论坛 使用帮助 登录网站 香港天网 天网时 代 校园搜索 2005 北大网络实验室 - 搜索1亿网页 ... e.pku.edu.cn/ 7K 2005-6-4 - 百度快照
function for the calculation of the performance of the relationship between the two 1,000-fan website paper documents the museum's theme days Information Network Maze Wukong inquiries test SEWM2005 Chinese Web information retrieval evaluation communicated to the project ... the Forum Login website to help Hong Kong Skynet Skynet era Search 2005 Beijing University campus network laboratory-a search ... e.pku.edu.cn billion pages/7K 2005-6-4- Baidu snapshot (2005-06-08, FlashMX, 5KB, 下载11次)
