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[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] stem-between-DC-Railway-Network-and-DC-Micro-Grid

Energy Dispatch of Energy Storage System between DC Railway Network and DC Micro Grid (2024-06-17, matlab, 0KB, 下载1次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] 牛顿拉夫逊法潮流计算

Newton-Raphson method is used for power flow calculation, and the program can also realize N-1 check and line loss analysis (2021-04-12, matlab, 2KB, 下载0次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] economic dispatch(fuel)

The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to solve the economic scheduling problem, and the minimum fuel cost and network loss are solved. (2020-09-13, matlab, 13KB, 下载9次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] 潮流计算辐射网

The forward and backward method is used to solve the power flow of radiation network (2020-05-31, matlab, 179KB, 下载1次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] BaiSe_Reg_C0512A

Simulate the process of a reginal Power station connect to the main grid (2018-08-23, matlab, 11KB, 下载1次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] DFIG

Based on the simulation example of the doubly fed fan in the Simulink module in MATLAB, the parameters of the rational fan, distribution network and large power grid are reset on this basis, and the wind speed model with four component superposition method is designed. At the same time, the sudden drop of 110KV power grid voltage, simulation results analysis in different modes of wind farm and dot selection and the simulation of the output characteristics of the wind turbine when the three-phase short circuit fault occurs in the 35KV distribution network (2018-04-12, matlab, 264KB, 下载147次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] DFIG_toAC_statororiented

U79BB u7783 u7A1 u5A1 u5B0 u5B0 u7B0 u7B0 u5BF U79BB u7F51 u578BDFIG u7684 u63A7 u5236 (2017-05-21, matlab, 52KB, 下载20次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] distributed-generation_distribution-system_Newton-

优秀论文配套源码。分布式电源的接入使得配电系统从放射状无源网络变为分布有中小型电源的有源网络。带来了使单向流动的电流方向具有了不确定性等等问题,使得配电系统的控制和管理变得更加复杂。但同时,分布式电源又具有提高电网可靠性,绿色节能,等等优点,所以为更好的利用分布式电源为人类造福,我们必须对其进行研究与分析。 本文采取通过利用仿真软件Matlab编写计算潮流程序模拟分布式电源接入配电网的模型进行潮流计算的方法对分布式电源的稳态影响进行探索与分析。 选取了34节点的配电网网络模型,通过对单个以及多个分布式电源的接入位置以及容量的不同情况对34节点配电网的网损以及节点电压状况进行了分析。
The distributed generation access to distribution system makes passive radial distribution network to active medium-sized power distribution network. It brings uncertainty to one-way direction power flow, etc., and it makes the control and management of the distribution system more complicated. Otherwise, it can bring a lot of benefits, such as more reliable, and it is green power. The distributed generation should be better known , so we can benefits more. So the program called Matlab was used to compile a program to solve the power flow problem. By this program, we can text which factor can influence the distributed generation’s access to the distribution system. The IEEE 34 Node model was chosen to be discussed how different factors can influence the power quality. This article analyzes distributed generation’s influence to the distribution system of energy lost and voltage level. (2010-11-18, matlab, 508KB, 下载2079次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] power_system_reactive_power_optimization

优秀论论及对应源码。电力系统配电网的无功优化规划是保证配电网安全、经济运行的一项有效手段,是降低网损、提高电压质量的重要措施。因此,电力系统配电网无功优化规划问题的研究,既具有理论意义,又具有工程实际应用价值。配电系统最优规划问题是一个复杂的非线性组合优化问题,至今未得到很好的解决。Tabu搜索(TS—Tabu search)算法是近年来出现的用于求解组合优化问题的一种高效的启发式搜索技术。本文采用固定并联电容器作为研究对象对系统进行无功补偿,并利用智能优化方法得到使配电网损耗降低最大对应的最优节点解。并在补偿容量的邻域搜索方面做了改进,采用扩大邻域搜索范围以达到全局最优的效果。用IEEE的两个算例得出的计算结果证明了这种方法的可行性。
Excellent deals on the corresponding source code. Power system with reactive power distribution network optimal planning is to ensure the safety, economic operation of an effective means of reducing the net loss, an important measure to improve the voltage quality. Therefore, the power system reactive power optimization of distribution network planning study, not only has theoretical significance, but also has practical engineering value. Optimal distribution system planning is a complicated nonlinear optimization problem, has not been solved. Tabu Search (TS-Tabu search) algorithm is used in recent years for solving combinatorial optimization problems an efficient heuristic search techniques. In this paper, as the research object of fixed shunt capacitors for reactive power compensation system, and using intelligent optimization method to reduce the loss of the largest distribution network node corresponding to the optimal solution. Compensation capacity in the neighborhood search are (2010-11-18, matlab, 110KB, 下载1482次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] chaoliu

【Distribution network load flow calculation program】 This procedure uses forward and backward on behalf of the law applicable to the following radiation-type open-35kV network flow calculation, and if there are alternate slip road slip road slip road to be converted into a single re-calculated for loop-free loop (for a detailed description of the procedures). (2009-10-09, matlab, 2KB, 下载292次)
