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[网络编程] dianxinwangluojichu2

Explain the basics of telecommunications networks, including terrestrial mobile communications network (PLMN), the next generation of public NGN, such as the situation in China s telecommunications industry knowledge. (2015-03-16, PPT, 7195KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] EncryptDataReport

为了防止网络数据泄漏,可以对网 络中传输的数据进行加密,用户接收到数据后再进行解密查看。
To prevent leakage of network data, the network can transmit data encryption, user data and then decrypts the received view. (2013-09-09, PPT, 52KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] High-Speed-Network

高数网络技术的全部课件。 第1章 IP地址的应用 第2章 网络互联设备 第3章 高速局域网 第4章 局域网管理 第5章 高速广域骨干网 第6章 接入网技术 第7章 无线网络技术 第8章 HFC网络 第9章 虚拟网络技术
High number of network technology courseware. Chapter 1 of the IP address of the application of Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 3, high-speed LAN networking equipment LAN Management Chapter 5 high-speed wide-area backbone network in Chapter 6, Section 9 of the HFC network, Chapter 8, Chapter 7 of the network technologies of wireless network technology Zhang virtual network technology (2012-06-20, PPT, 24573KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] LAN_Technology_Network_Engineering_Course

局域网技术与组网工程高级教程LAN Technology and Network Engineering Advanced Course
LAN Technology and Network Engineering Advanced Course (2010-12-08, PPT, 1024KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] IP_routing_across_subnets

IP子网间的路由技术:路由算法 路由协议 静态路由 缺省路由 路由信息协议RIP
IP subnets routing: static routing routing routing Routing Information Protocol RIP default routing (2010-06-26, PPT, 288KB, 下载5次)
