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[软件工程] chapter17

Online shopping order system of the UML diagram analysis, including use case diagrams, activity diagram, sequence diagram, etc. (2011-05-31, PPT, 1123KB, 下载65次)


[软件工程] BA

系统网络拓扑结构采用共享总线型,大型网络控制器NCE通过BACnet MS/TP现场总线连接下位的小型多功能DDC控制器FEC,实现数据共享和分散控制
System network topology using a shared bus-based, large-scale network controller NCE through the BACnet MS/TP field bus to connect the next bit of small multifunctional DDC controller FEC, data sharing and distributed control (2009-01-07, PPT, 1353KB, 下载159次)


[软件工程] Petri_Nets

一部介绍petri网模型的好书。 petri网理论提出自20世纪60年代,有严谨的数学基础,广泛的应用于工作流建模等领域。
a Petri net model on the books. Petri net theory since the 1960s, a strict mathematical basis, widely used for work flow modeling, and other fields. (2007-01-26, PPT, 873KB, 下载152次)
