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[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Zigbee-DHT11-testing

zigbee 温湿度组网测试 基于zigbee协议2007
Temperature and humidity zigbee zigbee protocol-based network test 2007 (2013-09-06, Visual C++, 13103KB, 下载42次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] yaoyaobang

Through shake stick to realize the entertainment function, very practical, to share your reference (2013-08-26, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载1次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] CC2530-6

2530 T3 network interconnection use of red light, green light flashes. (2013-07-28, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载1次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] STM32F407_ETH

The the Shenzhou the king STM32F407ZGT Ethernet httpserver web experiment (2013-03-14, Visual C++, 5673KB, 下载46次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 132

zigbee networking code, can be achieved zigbee the data pass through functions, networking features. (2012-07-20, Visual C++, 1472KB, 下载91次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] wannianli

The master of this routine is of 89C52 and DS1302, DS18B20, the LCD1602 LCD screen into a calendar. This case, the program comes from the microcontroller tutorial: http://www.mcujc.com (2012-06-24, Visual C++, 942KB, 下载3次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] UV2

Multichannel digital temperature monitoring system design- buddy of graduation design, attention to measurement and control. Because it is somewhat complex, so the reference value is very high: DS18B20 multiple networking, programming only addressing 4 x 5 matrix keyboard input operation because the system is huge, extends the RAM and I/O port, easy to transplant having the output control unit, can output PWM wave control of motor rotation speed the upper and lower limits of temperature setting, the alarm sounds, according to high and low temperature, automatically adjust the speed of motor. Room for improvement: to follow if you want to study in depth, can be added to the PID setting is perfect, to join the various intelligent algorithms, so that the motor according to the need and the realization of various intelligent operation (2012-01-22, Visual C++, 166KB, 下载15次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] ADXL345

三轴加速度传感器的全套资料。应用前景广。消费电子 工业电子 都有用
Full three-axis accelerometer data. Wide application prospects. Consumer electronics industry has used electronic (2011-11-08, Visual C++, 7114KB, 下载506次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] ECOMV260

ecom串口助手是一款带CRC计算的串口(RS232)调试软件。由我爱IC导航网工作室开发(http://www.52ic.net/)。 ecom串口助手支持常用的110 ~ 921600bps波特率,能设置校验、数据位和停止位,能以ASCII码或十六进制接收或发 送任何数据或字符(包括中文),能发送任意大小的文本文件,可以任意设定自动发送周期,并能将接收数据保存成 文本文件。带有文件或数据串的ModebusCRC16校验、CRC16校验、累加和校验、异或校验,ModebusLRC计算工具,是工 程师调试单片机串口的好助手工具。
ecom assistant is a serial CRC calculation with serial (RS232) debugging software. I love the IC by the navigation network studio (http://www.52ic.net/). ecom serial Assistant supports common 110 ~ 921600bps baud rate, parity can be set, data and stop bits can be in ASCII or hexadecimal receiving or sending any data or characters (including Chinese), can send any size text file can be set automatically send cycle, and can receive data saved as text files. With a file or data string ModebusCRC16 check, CRC16 checksum, accumulation and verification, XOR parity, ModebusLRC calculation tools, single-chip serial debugging engineers a good assistant tool. (2011-10-27, Visual C++, 1254KB, 下载165次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 1

C语言嵌入式系统编程修炼之道 作者: 宋宝华 出处: 天极网 责任编辑: 方舟
C language programming of embedded systems of cultivation of the Road: Song Baohua Source: SAN FRANCISCO Editor: Ark (2011-06-07, Visual C++, 1927KB, 下载19次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Electronic-network-of-C51

大虾电子网30章C51入门教程 聂小猛,网名丁丁,国内著名的大虾电子网(http://www.daxia.com)创始人,1998年从广州中山大学物理系毕业,在广州一家从事寻呼基站业务的公司工作。99年跳到深圳华为,从事大型通信电源监控的设计工作,2000年回到广州,尝试了一年创业,成绩不佳,期间创建了51单片机网站(大虾电子网http://www.daxia.com的前身)。2001年进入广州新太科技,负责重点项目信息电话的技术工作,工作一年后,即成为该公司核心员工,2003年跳出,重新开始与朋友合伙创业,一直维持至今。主要业务为代项目开发,中间件等。
Electronic network of 30 chapters prawns C51 Getting Started Nie Xiao Meng, net Ming Dingding, a renowned prawns electronic network (http://www.daxia.com) founder in 1998, graduated from the Physics Department of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou, a base station in the paging service company. 99 Skip Shenzhen Huawei, in the design of large communication power monitoring work, returned to Guangzhou in 2000, tried for a year business, poor performance, created during the 51 SCM website (prawns electronic network http://www.daxia . com predecessor.) 2001, he joined Guangzhou Suntek, responsible for key project information phone the technical work, work a year later, that became the company s core staff, in 2003 out of a fresh start with a friend Business Partnership, has been maintained ever since. Principally engaged in the generation of project development, middleware and so on. (2011-06-07, Visual C++, 1626KB, 下载12次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Texas-InstrumentsPxianshi

Texas Instruments introduced by the Zigbee protocol stack, the protocol stack to achieve automatic network (2011-05-24, Visual C++, 18247KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] stm32PENC28J60

stm32 ENC28J60 Ethernet driver module development board (2011-05-16, Visual C++, 477KB, 下载30次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] FireBUll

火牛开发板里面的以太网测试程序 stm32适用
Development board Ethernet adapters inside the test procedures applicable stm32 (2010-08-05, Visual C++, 680KB, 下载162次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] serial

provide a complete resource code of serial port turning into internet network servicer (2010-04-08, Visual C++, 157KB, 下载99次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] F2812_cp2200_DRIVE

为DSP添加以太网通信功能,需要相应的网络接口芯片,本程序时DSP TMS320F2812对网络接口芯片CP2200的驱动程序
For the DSP to add Ethernet communication functions, requires a corresponding network interface chip, this program DSP TMS320F2812 on the network interface chip CP2200 driver (2010-01-05, Visual C++, 21KB, 下载25次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] TFTP

Through the TFTP protocol to download data from the net mouth. Source board_eth_rcv () used to receive data, the data upload to the ip layer. board_eth_send () is used to upload data from packet sent. (2009-07-13, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载11次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] web020

Includes serial Cygnal debugger and industrial Ethernet development process web020, sp3530, etc. (2008-03-20, Visual C++, 592KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] vc6_ethernet

PC机和以太网转串口设备通讯例子,Visual C++ 6.0环境。
PC and Ethernet to serial communications equipment example, Visual C 6.0 environment. (2006-03-28, Visual C++, 34KB, 下载127次)
