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[行业发展研究] microgrid-future

微电网的概念最早是由美国提出的[1]。2002年美国 CERTS对微电网概念提出了明确的定义,并且给出了微电 网的基本结构。它主要是通过电力电子装置将发电容量小 于500 kW的分布式电源和储能装置组织在一起,就近向 用户提供电能。灵活智能的电力电子装置是CERTS微电网 的关键所在,正是通过该技术来实现“即插即用”的控制 思想。目前,微电网的应用范围和电压等级正在不断的扩 大,已经由原来兆瓦级以下发展到几十兆瓦的规模,并有 望在更大的农村配电网得到进一步发展。
Microgrid concept was first proposed by the United States [1]. 2002 U.S. CERTS Microgrid concept presented on a clear definition, and gives the basic structure of microgrid. It is mainly through the power electronic device generating capacity of less than 500 kW of distributed power and energy storage devices are grouped together, the nearest to the user to provide power. Flexible and intelligent power electronic devices CERTS Microgrid is the key to it is through the technology to achieve " plug and play" control thought. Currently, the range of applications and micro-grid voltage level is constantly expanding, has increased from less developed to the megawatt scale of tens of megawatts and is expected to be greater the further development of the rural distribution network. (2013-08-28, Visual C++, 2019KB, 下载35次)


[行业发展研究] user

Goods part of the evaluation network database file inside the system used in the basic database (2013-08-27, Visual C++, 248KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] visualization-analyze-tools

This paper describes the system architecture of the visualization tools, and various parts of the Design and Implementation of this system, and through the example of a network of scientific collaboration (2012-06-24, Visual C++, 954KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] PacketTracer

网络学习,需要大量硬件设备实验才能熟悉各项功能,致使成本 较高,笔者在实际教学中,采用Cisco Packet Tracer 仿真网络实验软件,模拟各种组网实验,取得了良好的教学效果。Cisco Packet Tracer 是Cisco 公司开发的网络仿真工具软件,是一个为网络学习者设计的用于设计、配置和解决复杂问题的基于CCNA 层次的可 视化学习平台[1]。 随着经济的发展和国家科教兴国战略的实施,校园网络建设已逐步成为学校的基础建设项目,更成为衡量一个学校教育信息 化、现代化的重要标志。本文就以Cisco Packet Tracer 仿真组建校园网为例,探讨一种高效的网络学习方法。
Network learning, the need for hardware experiments to become familiar with the various functions, resulting in higher costs, the author in the actual teaching, using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation network experiment software to simulate various networking experiment, good teaching. Cisco Packet Tracer, Cisco' s development of network simulation tools, is a network designed for learners to design, configure, and solve complex problems based on the visualization of the CCNA-level learning platform [1]. With the implementation of the strategy of economic development and national technology and education, the construction of the campus network has gradually become the foundation of the school construction projects have become an important measure of a school education, information technology, modern logo. Cisco Packet Tracer simulation of the formation of a campus network, for example, to explore an efficient network learning methods. (2012-06-06, Visual C++, 211KB, 下载46次)


[行业发展研究] 1111

Things, triple play and other related news (2012-05-04, Visual C++, 1351KB, 下载14次)


[行业发展研究] ngpon

Optical access will become the main technology of next generation access network, the article focuses on next-generation optical access network and its networking technology (2012-04-15, Visual C++, 2358KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] program

For recommendation system algorithm based on the social network and its corresponding algorithm, the dynamic evolution of social network technology for a personalized recommendation system, in order to obtain better personalized recommendation effect. (2012-03-06, Visual C++, 1754KB, 下载56次)


[行业发展研究] GB-WSN

传感器网6项标准征求意见稿 文库里的要积分 下下来整理了一下 方便大家阅读
failed to translate (2011-12-30, Visual C++, 23025KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] A3-IP-Networks

传感网是物联网的核心技术。附件是传感网的路由协议代码。 国内许多著名媒体报道,未来几年中国物联网产业市场规模将达到2000亿元
There are different tunnel broker providers, which offer a free service of network tunneling. The provider selected in this project is Hurricane (2011-09-23, Visual C++, 1266KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] A8-Wireless-Networks

传感网是物联网的核心技术。附件是传感网的路由协议代码。 国内许多著名媒体报道,未来几年中国物联网产业市场规模将达到2000亿元,至2015年,中国物联网整体市场规模将达到7500亿元。 CCTV:http://www.cctv.com/international/special/cxkj/20100319/102985.shtml 东方卫视:http://tv.sohu.com/20100510/n272024075.shtml 温家宝总理去年8月在无锡的明确指示,
Geographic routing protocol cps http://tv.sohu.com/20100510/n272024075. (2011-09-23, Visual C++, 3814KB, 下载4次)


[行业发展研究] xuexi

Guide to learn the Ethernet chip function and design, very guide (2011-02-21, Visual C++, 197KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] pq_method_coupling_code

Pq a relatively simple decomposition procedure, used for power flow calculation for the network (2010-10-27, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] netGame

网 络 游 戏 数 据 平台 数据通讯的实现方案
Data platform network game data communications to achieve program (2008-11-28, Visual C++, 236KB, 下载4次)
