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按分类查找All CA认证(2) 
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[CA认证] Wang-Jialian

IT铁汉 国际联合电脑公司(CA)前首席执行官兼总裁王嘉廉人物传记
IT Hud- former CEO and president of the company Computer Associates International (CA) Charles B. Wang Biography (2015-06-20, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载1次)


[CA认证] Afd

RAS is a high-level programming Advanced Development RAS dial-up procedures, through the program can be achieved without a telephone dial-up function, but also to achieve such as adsl, Netcom and other dial-up function, but also to monitor modem or network card network traffic, the reader is definitely a worthwhile learning procedures. (2008-06-25, Visual C++, 686KB, 下载17次)
