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[Leetcode/题库] NetSpeedTest

Network speed test, download the network speed, and then update the upload network speed (2017-02-21, Objective-C, 158KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] deke

Collect WeChat login, countdown login page, complete project framework, full AFN packaging, Bluetooth development and debugging, step measurement, custom shooting small videos (similar to WeChat small videos), time, city, gender selector, WeChat, Alipay, top up price selection, sesame credit binding, custom Actsheet (similar to WeChat), etc (2018-12-26, Objective-C, 16953KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] ReadyForBAT

Summary of MOOC.com s iOS Interview Practical Project: Thinking Map and Answers for iOS Interview Questions (2018-12-05, Objective-C, 14803KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] bigShow

iOS教学 各类知识点总结:运行时 贝塞尔曲线 水纹 粒子发射器 核心动画 渐变色 网络请求 按钮 标签 视图布局 视图效果 文字视图 表情键盘 旋转动画 2048 网易 微信 猿题库 阿里巴巴 设计模式 数据持久化 多次点击按钮 微...
Summary of various knowledge points in iOS teaching: runtime Bézier curve water grain particle emitter core animation gradient color network request button label view layout view effect text view emoticon keyboard rotation animation 2048 NetEase WeChat question library Alibaba design mode data persistence multiple click button WeChat (2017-01-13, Objective-C, 63269KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] BigShow1949

iOS教学 各类知识点总结:运行时 贝塞尔曲线 水纹 粒子发射器 核心动画 渐变色 网络请求 按钮 标签 视图布局 视图效果 文字视图 表情键盘 旋转动画 2048 网易 微信 猿题库 阿里巴巴 设计模式 数据持久化 多次点击按钮 微...
Summary of various knowledge points in iOS teaching: runtime Bezier curve water texture particle launcher core animation gradient network request button label view layout view effect text view emoticon keyboard rotation animation 2048 NetEase WeChat Ape question bank Alibaba design mode data persistence multiple click button micro (2021-05-23, Objective-C, 65015KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] WZMChatUI

A complete chat UI framework (styled after WeChat chat). Clear database structure, separated message types, and strong scalability; Image messages support thumbnails, all message cache lines are high, and performance consumption is low; At the same time, a custom emoticon keyboard has been implemented, which can be expanded according to the format. (2022-08-01, Objective-C, 2920KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CocoaAsyncSocket_Demo

基于AsyncSocket搭建即时通讯体系 . 包含TCP连接 , 消息发送 , 消息接收 , 心跳处理 ,断网重连 , 消息超时 , 消息分发 , 数据库结构设计 , 消息丢失等 . 以及UI设计, 文本表情消息 语音消息 图片消息...
Build an instant messaging system based on AsyncSocket Including TCP connection, message sending, message receiving, heartbeat processing, network disconnection and reconnection, message timeout, message distribution, database structure design, message loss, etc And UI design, text emoticons, voice messages, image messages (2019-01-16, Objective-C, 4266KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] iOS_Tips

iOS_Tips,iOS的一些示例,持续更新中:1、AVFoundation 高仿微信相机拍摄和编辑 2、AVFoundation 人脸检测、实时滤镜、音视频编解码、GPUImage框架的使用等音视频相关内容 3、OpenGLES 4、LeetCode算...
iOS_ Tips, some examples of iOS, continuously updated: 1. AVFoundation high fidelity WeChat camera shooting and editing 2. AVFoundation face detection, real-time filters, audio and video encoding and decoding, use of GPUImage framework and other audio and video related content 3. OpenGLES 4, LeetCode calculation (2022-08-28, Objective-C, 12041KB, 下载0次)
