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[聚类算法] NewsChannel

新闻频道栏 滚动栏(网易新闻,新浪新闻,搜狐新闻,今日头条,聚划算,腾讯视频,优酷等类的频道栏),支持小红点标识 && 懒加载 && 缓存 && 排序 && 增删等
News channel bar scrolling bar (NetEase News, Sina News, Sohu News, Today s Headlines, Juhuasuan, Tencent Video, Youku, and other categories of channel bars), supporting small red dot identification, lazy loading, caching, sorting, and addition/deletion, etc (2019-09-17, Objective-C, 4467KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] Marquee

跑马灯 滚动文字条(类似于淘宝 菜鸟 京东 支付宝 聚划算 网商银行等app的跑马灯功能)
Running lantern scrolling text bar (similar to the running lantern function of Taobao rookie Jingdong payment, Baoju Huasuan online business bank and other apps) (2019-09-17, Objective-C, 1240KB, 下载0次)
