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[直播] KMCAgoraVRTC_iOS

Jinshan Rubik s cube video connection solution iOS: Vocal network 1-to-1 video live connection product, the world s first UDP based live connection SDK, supports iOS, Android, multi platform interoperability, adapts to 5000+models, and performs well in echo cancellation, noise reduction, and anti squeaking. (2018-08-16, Objective-C, 17764KB, 下载0次)


[直播] PPVideoPlayer

OC customized UI player, based on NetEase Player SDK, supports live broadcast, on-demand video playback, pop-up screen function and common demand function, which is simple and easy to use. (2021-11-30, Objective-C, 6628KB, 下载0次)


[直播] FULiveStream_IM_Demo

FULiveStream_IM_Demo 是集成了 Faceunity 面部跟踪和虚拟道具功能和网易云信直播功能的 Demo。 本文是 FaceUnity SDK 快速对接七牛短视频的导读说明,关于 FaceUnity SDK 的更多...
FULiveStream_ IM_ Demo is a Demo that integrates Faceunity facial tracking and virtual props functions and Netease Yunxin live broadcast functions. This article is a guide to the quick docking of the FaceUnity SDK with the Qiniu short video. More about the FaceUnity SDK (2022-09-19, Objective-C, 103258KB, 下载0次)


[直播] EzvizSDK-iOS

config wifi(配网)realplay(直播) playback(回放)talk(对讲)
Config wifi realplay playback talk (2021-04-30, Objective-C, 21359KB, 下载0次)


[直播] NMCLiveStreaming

Netease Yunxin Live Streaming SDK (rtmp, tcp streaming) (2021-07-28, Objective-C, 39850KB, 下载0次)


[直播] Quiz

网易云信直播竞答解决方案。【推荐客户得京东卡,首次推荐成单得1500元京东卡,连续推荐2000元/单,上不封顶。】点击参与<a href="https://yunxin.163.com/promotion/recommend" rel="nofollow">https://yunxin.163.com/promotion/recommend</a> , stars:12, update:2018-07-02 03:42:39
网易云信直播竞答解决方案。【推荐客户得京东卡,首次推荐成单得1500元京东卡,连续推荐2000元/单,上不封顶。】点击参与<a href="https://yunxin.163.com/promotion/recommend" rel="nofollow">https://yunxin.163.com/promotion/recommend</a> , stars:12, update:2018-07-02 03:42:39 (2023-06-25, Objective-C, 135101KB, 下载0次)


[直播] NEPlyaer

The function of creating a suspended player based on NetEase Live Player SDK NEPlyaer, which is similar to the function of fish quitting live broadcast details page (2017-03-22, Objective-C, 6081KB, 下载0次)


[直播] PLRTCStreamingKit

PLRTCStreamingKit 是七牛推出的一款适用于 iOS 平台的连麦互动 SDK,支持低延时音视频通话、RTMP 直播推流,可快速开发一对一视频聊天、多人视频会议、网红直播连麦、狼人杀、娃娃机等应用,接口简单易用,支持高度定...
PLRTCStreamingKit is a connected microphone interactive SDK for iOS platform launched by Qiniu. It supports low latency audio and video calls, RTMP live streaming, and can quickly develop one-on-one video chat, multi person video conference, online celebrity live connected microphone, werewolf killing, doll machine and other applications. The interface is simple and easy to use, and supports highly customized (2020-09-18, Objective-C, 85640KB, 下载0次)
