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[原创]新版网吧游戏菜单 V2.0 超强版 由于朋友需要所以帮忙写了个游戏菜单,程序接近完美,所以请大家来PP 带有在线管理功能,可在线修改游戏设置。 带有本地歌曲点播功能,程序可播放本地或网络歌曲 带有百度音乐搜索功能,搜索出来的歌曲可在线播放,下载等。。
[Original] The new Internet version of the game menu V2.0 Superacid So as a result of the need to help a friend write a game menu, the program close to perfect, so please everyone come to PP with the online management features, the game settings can be modified online. Demand function with the local music, procedures can be local or network music player with music search function Baidu, search out the songs can be broadcast online, download, etc.. . (2009-05-06, Fortran, 352KB, 下载35次)
