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[ListView/ListBox] myChatView

使用QML仿写了一个PC端微信的界面,具有以下功能: 1.可以显示文本、图片、音频、视频 2.显示的内容根据“发送方”自动左对齐或者右对齐 3.支持全屏查看图片 4.视频可以播放,不过好像需要安装解码器(我装的是LAV Filters)
QML copy of the use of a PC end micro channel interface, with the following functions: 1 can display text, pictures, audio, video 2 shows the content according to the sender automatic left or right aligned 3 support full screen view picture 4 video can be played, but it seems to need to install the decoder (I installed Filters LAV) (2015-11-10, QT, 99KB, 下载21次)
