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[Windows编程] 1213

iNethinkCMS基.NET C#2.0分层开发的网站内容管理系统,自主的模板引擎(类标签式)、独有的插件扩展技术,可以适应各类的网站开发需要,全面免费、开源(基于LGPL开源协议),您可根据实际项目需求,进行自主修改,而不用过份担心版权问题。
INethinkCMS based.NET C#2.0 layer development website content management system, independent template engine (class label type), unique plug-in extension technology, can adapt to various types of Web site development needs, comprehensive free, open source (based on the LGPL open source protocol), you can according to the actual item needs, independent modification, without excessive worry. Copyright issues. (2018-04-07, Visual Basic.NET, 2012KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] AIXXZPV870

这是一款精密水准网平差的VB源代码,希望对于学习测绘的同学能够有所帮助,中国石油大学 (2018-04-05, Visual Basic.NET, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] CloudMusic-UpdateCleaner

自己写的,网易云音乐 自动清除升级文件 的小程序,里面有一些简单的文档操作代码,比如检查存在、运行、删除可以参考
Netease cloud music files automatically clear upgrade small program, there are some simple document operation code, such as checks for the existence, operation and can delete reference (2016-05-29, Visual Basic.NET, 825KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] DiLuoNi

Delaunay triangulation achieved using vb language development (2015-11-04, Visual Basic.NET, 17KB, 下载4次)
