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按平台查找All Visual Basic(2) 

[手机短信编程] _A-MSN-mes

这是一个完全激活MSN(微软信使)机器人!你可以设置个性化的离开消息——不同的短信息对不同的人或一个离开消息对所有…其他人可以哔哔的你,像在ICQ,他们可以远程,如果授权,改变你的昵称,让你离开,回来甚至其他东西——完全扩展!他们可以问机器人为笑话,甚至当你没有. .你的机器人控制好一切,提供娱乐,
This is a fully activated MSN (Microsoft Messenger) robot! You can set up personalized away messages- SMS different to different people or a leave message for all ... others can beep you, like in ICQ, they remotely, if authorized, change your nickname, let you leave and come back or even other things- full extension! They can ask robot jokes, even when you do not control your robot .. everything, providing entertainment, (2013-06-08, Visual Basic, 41KB, 下载2次)


[手机短信编程] vb_sendnote

接口调用的是56短信网的,网址是: http://www.56dxw.com 短信接口文档:http://www.56dxw.com/Interface/duanxinjiekouxiazai.html 简单的vb调用webservers的短信接口的源码,比较简单,但对于不太懂vb的朋友来说,还可以参考的
nterface calling is the 56 SMS network, URL: http:// www.56dxw.com The short message interface document: http:// www.56dxw.com/Interface/duanxinjiekouxiazai.html A simple VB call webservers SMS interface source code, is relatively simple, but do not really understand the VB s friend, can also refer to the (2012-01-09, Visual Basic, 87KB, 下载10次)
