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[教育系统应用] Code-and-project

Using VB to Realize the Mecato Projection and the Simple Drawing of the Large Diameter Line. The realization of the function is relatively simple, for the course to write, you need to be based on the perfect. (2017-04-09, Visual Basic, 1061KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] bookshop

图书在线管理,如浏览、修改、添加和删除图书等,管理员登录名和密码均为:admin; 向上网顾客提供图书期刊在线电子版(虚拟版),供顾客订购 、下载; (5)提供新书目、新书内容介绍、书评等,供顾客选择图书时参考; 提供书店存货书目,供顾客挑选或补全、补缺; 可以提供网上结算和支付。
Book online management, such as browse, edit, add and delete books, etc., the administrator login name and password are: admin customers to access books and periodicals online version (the virtual version), for customers to order, download (5) New bibliography, book description, book reviews, reference books for customers to choose provide bookstores stock books for customers to choose, or complement, to fill a vacancy to provide online billing and payment. (2011-06-15, Visual Basic, 40KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] VB-dianboxitong

The development of a set of Internet cafe VB general, also can use song system, but a little too KTV function is simple. Program points server and client, complete without fault. (2011-04-06, Visual Basic, 760KB, 下载16次)


[教育系统应用] biyesheji

In order to adapt to the modern information society, vast information resources that people need quick access to information of all walks of life have been, for increased productivity, improve the working environment and so plays an active role. Today in the rapid development of information, especially with the rapid development and popularization of Internet, the computer has entered people' s life and work. With the reform of our school education system in deepening our school to meet the future trend of the paperless office, improve the educational level, the need to establish a campus network based graduation project management system. (2011-03-04, Visual Basic, 3391KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] xueshengxinxiguanlixitong

在传统模式下利用人工进行学生信息管理,存在着较多的缺点,如:效率底,保密性差,时间一长将产生大量的文件和数据,更不便于查找,更新,维护等。诸如这些情况,令学校管理者对学生的信息管理带来了很大困难,严重影响了教育工作者的工作效率,针对这些情况,我们可使用日趋成熟的计算机技术来代替传统的人工模式,来实现学生信息的现代化管理,这一技术具有手工管理所无法比拟的优点,如:检索迅速,查找方便,可靠性高,存储量大,保密性好,寿命长,成本底等。这些优点能够极大地提高学生信息管理的效率,使我们的学校在市场经济的发展过程中具有一定的竞争优势,也是企业实现科学化,正规化,现代化的重要条件。 用计算机制作的学生信息化管理系统还可以通过功能强大的Internet网及时的向学生的家长传递该生在校的最新成绩,有助于学校与家长的信息互动,为更好地把握学校的教育方针起到了一定的促进作用!
err (2007-12-12, Visual Basic, 99KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] enum-v50

校园网一卡通与其它程序的结合,完整的例子.已经投入使用.请大家指正. (2007-10-13, Visual Basic, 83KB, 下载99次)


[教育系统应用] 网吧管理系统客户端源程序

这里是源码。 宛枫书社图书管理系统 V1.0 Beta 测试版 面向中小型书店、个体书店进行全面的人员、物流管理,旨在实现书店管理信息化。本系统采用会员制管理,将人员分为经理、仓库管理员、售书员、会员、游客等,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。系统功能包括:供应商管理、进书管理、图书资料管理、售书管理、会员管理、库存统计、售书统计、退货统计、基本统计分析等。
here is the source. Wan Feng Cleveland Library Management System V1.0 beta-oriented small and medium-sized bookstores, bookstore individuals to conduct a comprehensive personnel, logistics management, aimed at achieving Bookstore management information. The system adopts a membership system management, staff will be divided into managers, administrators, Books, a member of tourists, and so have different powers, duties well, in order to improve efficiency. System features include : vendor management, management books, books and information management, management Books, Member management, inventory statistics, the book statistics, return statistics, basic statistical analysis. (2005-07-12, Visual Basic, 4289KB, 下载52次)
