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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] fen

【微信群投微投多人统计软件全自动机器人带假人托虚拟分】 这是ZIP压缩包,请解压缩后查阅!详情请耐心观看全部讲解后咨询。 微信群投微投多人统计软件全自动机器人带假人托虚拟分 微信群投微投多人统计软件全自动机器人带假人托虚拟分,版本不断免费升级更新,适合所有微信群使用。 支持全自动识别机器人以及全智能统计计算截图,带有假人托虚拟分功能。前台后台各种表格数据统计查询。 全方位的行业标配软件设计,全智能的设置模式,适合所有微信群行业使用。
This is a ZIP archive, unzip Now please! For more details, please consult explain patiently watch after all. Micro-channel micro-investment group to vote more than statistical software with automatic robot prop dummy virtual partitions Micro-channel micro-investment group to vote more than statistical software with automatic robot prop dummy virtual partitions, free upgrades constantly updated version, suitable for all micro-channel group to use. Full support for automatic recognition and intelligent robot statistical computing theme with dummy prop virtual function points. Foreground to background various tables statistics query. A full range of industry standard design software, a full set of intelligent mode, suitable for all micro-channel group of industries. (2016-09-04, Visual Basic, 9709KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] vb_ProBP

BP NN (2009-06-30, Visual Basic, 28KB, 下载32次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] emailget

an excavation inside the network talent mail code While simple but to engage in data mining to provide good learning opportunities (2007-04-14, Visual Basic, 3573KB, 下载41次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] vb-delauney

a triangular irregular network algorithms, more effective, I hope all of us can share. (2007-03-20, Visual Basic, 17KB, 下载55次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] lengie-easy-web-horse-maker

break other people's networks MA, on the basis of the algorithm was not a simple flash website Trojan generator, Rising already be found online, if you want to use, production, do not kill their own processing (2006-08-07, Visual Basic, 23KB, 下载14次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] hopfild1

Hopfield 网——擅长于联想记忆与解迷路 实现H网联想记忆的关键,是使被记忆的模式样本对应网络能量函数的极小值。 设有M个N维记忆模式,通过对网络N个神经元之间连接权 wij 和N个输出阈值θj的设计,使得: 这M个记忆模式所对应的网络状态正好是网络能量函数的M个极小值。 比较困难,目前还没有一个适应任意形式的记忆模式的有效、通用的设计方法。 H网的算法 1)学习模式——决定权重 想要记忆的模式,用-1和1的2值表示 模式:-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,... 一般表示: 则任意两个神经元j、i间的权重: wij=∑ap(i)ap(j),p=1…p; P:模式的总数 ap(s):第p个模式的第s个要素(-1或1) wij:第j个神经元与第i个神经元间的权重 i = j时,wij=0,即各神经元的输出不直接返回自身。 2)想起模式: 神经元输出值的初始化 想起时,一般是未知的输入。设xi(0)为未知模式的第i个要素(-1或1) 将xi(0)作为相对应的神经元的初始值,其中,0意味t=0。 反复部分:对各神经元,计算: xi (t+1) = f (∑wijxj(t)-θi), j=1…n, j≠i n—神经元总数 f()--Sgn() θi—神经元i发火阈值 反复进行,直到各个神经元的输出不再变化。
Hopfield network-- good at associative memory solution with the realization of lost H associative memory networks, are key to bringing the memory model samples corresponding network energy function of the minimum. With M-N-dimensional memory model, the network N neurons connect between right wij and N output threshold j design makes : M-mode memory corresponding to the network is a state network energy function is the M-000 minimum. More difficult, it is not an arbitrary form of adaptation memory model of effective, common design methods. H network algorithm 1) mode of learning-- decision weights want memory model, with 1 and 2 of the value of a model, said :-1, 1, 1, 1 ,1,1, ... in general : two were arbitrary neuron j i weights between : wij ap = (i) ap (j), p = 1 ... p; P : The tot (2005-04-09, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载62次)
