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按分类查找All 酒店行业(3) 
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[酒店行业] Hotel-Deluxe

HTML5 deluxe hotel reservation official website template, orange style, a full set of templates, including the home page, news, rooms, Dan Ye, gallery, contact us, 404 error pages and other web site templates. (2016-05-12, Visual Basic, 1141KB, 下载2次)


[酒店行业] info-aroud-Xian-metro-line-2

Based on a simple query Xi' an Subway Line sites surrounding restaurants, public transportation, entertainment and other information (2014-09-02, Visual Basic, 1000KB, 下载1次)


[酒店行业] 酒店管理系统需求分析

With the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment industries increasingly developed, the introduction of comprehensive computer services and computer management is increasingly popular. Meanwhile, hotels and restaurants to introduce computer entertainment services and management has made good economic and social benefits. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction has recently made clear : all-star hotels in the project's approval, its design must include computer management system, otherwise, not creation. Visibility, hotel management computerized inevitable. Hotel management system of advanced computer technology with modern hotel management services to the perfect combination to achieve accommodation, catering, entertainment brand new concept of service and manageme (2005-06-23, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载2093次)
