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[浏览器] Conimige4

Conimige网页浏览器,中文名N氧化碳浏览器 ,是由myzchh开发的网页浏览器家族,共包括Conimige Professional(N氧化碳浏览器专业版)、Conimige Home(N氧化碳浏览器家庭版)、Conimige Luxury(N氧化碳浏览器豪华版)、Conimige Fun(N氧化碳浏览器娱乐版)、Conimige Convenient(N氧化碳浏览器便捷版),其中最为出名的是豪华版。Conimige浏览器系列也是国产浏览器中比较出众的网页浏览工具,它以针对不同浏览者的需要为目标,开发出了具有不同特色的浏览器系列,拥有着非常完美的理念以及独特的创新思维。
A very good browser source code (2016-04-22, Visual Basic, 1855KB, 下载18次)


[浏览器] liulanqi

Own browser written in VB, very practical with the students of the campus network, compact and easy-to-use, (2013-04-17, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载5次)


[浏览器] bvnet

VB编写的一款3G手机浏览器,打开就是腾讯网,不过下边有广告,源代码可以学习研究,VB新手可能会比较喜欢。其中的mSkinner.bas类的用法:在需要更改按钮外观的窗体的Load事件中加入 Attach Me.hwnd更改按钮外观,Unload事件中加入 Detach Me.hwnd ‘还原按钮外观。
VB to write a 3G phone browser, open is Tencent, but below the ad, the source code can study VB novice may prefer. Which mSkinner.bas usage: in the form' s Load event need to change the button appearance Attach Me.hwnd Change button appearance Unload event added the Detach Me.hwnd ' Restore button appearance. (2012-10-01, Visual Basic, 106KB, 下载7次)


[浏览器] Proxybrowser

This is a streamline browser VB source code to achieve more open, independent agents. Can web page account to open, can be individually set up a proxy brush posts, online games must-ha, not much to say, interested to see! (2012-03-26, Visual Basic, 26KB, 下载90次)


[浏览器] 2011

新版火狐后台II强势推出,全新界面全新功能,欢迎试用及提供改进意见 1、淘宝新版登录界面,支持支付宝帐号登录 2、支持新版淘宝商品页,可完全自定义商品描述 3、支付接口更丰富,网银付款界面可自动刷新 4、加入钓取资料号功能,绝对最完美 5、第三方钓取卡密功能全面完成 6、Bug及时反馈,修改意见第一时间收到
Background II launched a strong new version of Firefox, the new interface, new features, improvements welcome to try and provide an Taobao new login screen, support Alipay account login 2, support new commodities Taobao page, you can fully customize the product description 3, pay interface, richer, online banking payment screen to automatically refresh 4, No. added features fishing access information, the absolute most perfect 5, third full-featured fishing access cards close to complete 6, Bug timely feedback, revisions received the first time (2011-05-16, Visual Basic, 1778KB, 下载5次)


[浏览器] 21312314

新版火狐后台II强势推出,全新界面全新功能,欢迎试用及提供改进意见 1、淘宝新版登录界面,支持支付宝帐号登录 2、支持新版淘宝商品页,可完全自定义商品描述 3、支付接口更丰富,网银付款界面可自动刷新 4、加入钓取资料号功能,绝对最完美 5、第三方钓取卡密功能全面完成 6、Bug及时反馈,修改意见第一时间收到
Background II launched a strong new version of Firefox, the new interface, new features, improvements welcome to try and provide an Taobao new login screen, support Alipay account login 2, support new commodities Taobao page, you can fully customize the product description 3, pay interface, richer, online banking payment screen to automatically refresh 4, No. added features fishing access information, the absolute most perfect 5, third full-featured fishing access cards close to complete 6, Bug timely feedback, revisions received the first time (2011-05-16, Visual Basic, 2513KB, 下载7次)


[浏览器] liulanqi

浏览器 简单的饿 是为了破解网吧的 用的 很不错哦!
Browser simply hungry to break the use of Internet cafes Oh good! (2010-07-17, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载5次)
