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[搜索引擎] fg760p

You can open a google this way, you can easily find information in the hope that easy to bring to you (2017-04-17, Visual Basic, 3481KB, 下载45次)



万能超级搜索引擎V8.0(赚钱版)绝对是目前全国功能最优秀的超级搜索引擎,可跟任何同类程序比较。 经数据统计,全国已超过20000个网站和超过3000家网吧正在使用本程序 而且有部分网站和网吧的站长已经达到日收入过千了 google已经成为全球最大的网站,百度已成为中国最大的网站,两者都是搜索引擎,已经证明搜索引擎已经成为每位网民日常必须的网站了,但因为百度和google已经垄断了全球大部分用户了,就算您有财力去做一个和百度一样的搜索引擎出来,也没有办法从百度手上抢到用户,要从百度手上抢用户唯一的方法就是您的网站比百度更方便、更实用,而我们开发的万能超级搜索引擎正是可以帮您做到。
Universal super search engine V8.0 (earning edition) is absolutely the whole country at present function best super search engine, can compare with any similar programs. The statistics, the national already more than 20,000 a website and more than 3,000 Internet cafes are using this procedure And there are some websites and the Internet webmaster has reached day income thousand Google has become the world s largest website, baidu has become China s largest website, both are the search engine, has been proved search engine has become each netizen daily must website, but because baidu and Google has monopolized global most users, calculate you have money to do a and baidu search engine out the same, and no way to from baidu hands grabbed the user, from baidu hand rob users only method is your website than baidu more convenient and more practical, but we develop the super universal search engine is can help you to do. (2011-01-25, Visual Basic, 689KB, 下载21次)


[搜索引擎] zilian

can search a joint recruitment network-the Reptile procedures, very handy (2007-04-11, Visual Basic, 52KB, 下载177次)
