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[VC书籍] prim

C语言实现普里姆算法 根据无向网构造最小生成树
C language implementation Prim algorithm based on minimum spanning tree in undirected network structure (2016-02-29, DOS, 2KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] prim

用C语言编写的 如果以无向网表示n个城市之间的交通网络建设规划,顶点表示城市,边上的权表示该线路的造价,试设计一个方案,使这个交通网的总造价最小
Using C language if no express n to the network traffic between cities network construction planning, Vertex city, the edge of the right to express the cost of the line and try to design a program to make the transportation network total cost of the smallest (2007-07-19, DOS, 1KB, 下载26次)
