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[android开发] Trigger-master

Android L 中新增的 JobScheduler 吗,就像其名字所表示的,你可以定义自己的作业,然后在某些条件下执行,例如是充电时、断网时或者设备空闲时等等。这是非常棒的特性,但只在 API 21 上才有效,老版本怎么办呢? 你现在可以试试 Trigger。 Trigger 的特性 单个作业支持多个条件组合 内部条件:充电中\无法检测网络状态\设备空闲 支持作业持久化,这意味着可在设备重启时触发 支持作业截止时间 可根据配置在后台或者主线程中运行作业
JobScheduler which is new added in Android Lollipop version? It is a job scheduler as its name. Define your own job, which need some conditions to happen, suit it up with such as device charging or unmeterred network(just like wifi, what else we have?) or device idle status, then throw it to the JobScheduler framework, your job will happen while all these conditions are satisfied. Awesome feature, isn t it? But a pity is it s only available above API 21. So I try my best to copy it to API 14 and named it Trigger. (2015-05-16, Unix_Linux, 167KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] Init-a-Build-Env-_-Android

android 源代碼編譯環境的搭建, 此教程來自與google官網
initializing android build env (2015-01-21, Unix_Linux, 357KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] 1Android.Message.Platform

android 的p2p功能演示程序,已经通过公网验证
android program (2014-01-28, Unix_Linux, 646KB, 下载12次)


[android开发] android-Tuangou2

基于android的实现团购网站的..... .
Android based implementation buy site (2013-09-04, Unix_Linux, 269KB, 下载12次)


[android开发] JNI

The Android JNI foundation describes the the JNI language usage and data type. (2012-11-07, Unix_Linux, 502KB, 下载10次)
