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按分类查找All 电子书籍(3) 
按平台查找All Unix_Linux(3) 

[电子书籍] LINUX24leaning

Install linux from the most basic beginning, the Church in your linux system, how to carry out the common operation of the Internet, word processing, typesetting printing, the use of graphical tools, games and so on, to ensure you Fun linux (2009-12-02, Unix_Linux, 33048KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] intro-linux

It is geared to an audience of both corporate as well as home users. It is not intended to be a full overview of Unix operations, as there are several good texts available as well as on?line documentation which can be referred to in cases where more detailed information is required. In general, your Linux system can operate with a minimum of user maintenance. Routine tasks, such as rotating and discarding of system logs, are automated. Therefore, for the most part, even with very little user intervention, Linux will hum along doing its job. However, in cases of custom needs or system failure this documentation may prove useful.
It is geared to an audience of both corporate as well as home users. It is not intended to be a full overview of Unix operations, as there are several good texts available as well as on?line documentation which can be referred to in cases where more detailed information is required. In general, your Linux system can operate with a minimum of user maintenance. Routine tasks, such as rotating and discarding of system logs, are automated. Therefore, for the most part, even with very little user intervention, Linux will hum along doing its job. However, in cases of custom needs or system failure this documentation may prove useful. (2009-09-02, Unix_Linux, 1317KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] MST

基于MST的模拟卡技术交流目前MST的接口类型有FXO接口、FXS接口、EM2/4线接口、热线电话接口、磁石电话接口 可广泛应用于电信数据业务、电力、银行、公安、部队等部门公用电话网接入或专线信息传输 等
MST-based simulation technique to exchange the current MST interface FXO interface type, FXS interface, EM2/4 line interface, a hotline interface, telephone interface magnets can be widely used in the telecommunications data services, electricity, banking, public security, public sector units telephone network access or transmission of information, such as green (2009-06-11, Unix_Linux, 348KB, 下载5次)
