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[文章/文档] Linux

介绍了基于AT91RM9200系统硬件结构和Linux内核结构,然后分析了如何将Linux移植到目标 板上的方法与步骤,最后建立了根文件系统。通过串口、网口或者JTAG口烧至目标板,该系统成本低、工作 稳定、通用性强,可用在多种工业场合。
Introduced based on the AT91RM9200 system hardware structure and the structure of Linux kernel, and then an analysis of how to migrate to Linux on the board of the target measures and steps, and finally the establishment of the root file system. Through the serial port, network port or JTAG target board I very badly burned, the system has low cost, stable, unified work that can be used in a variety of industry forums. (2009-08-20, Unix_Linux, 294KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] final-paper-3-25.doc

analysis the performence of ad hoc routing protocols. (2009-04-01, Unix_Linux, 223KB, 下载37次)
