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[Windows编程] DualBoot-Installer

dingoo 双启动系统你可以通过它加载dingux系统
dingoo dual-boot system, you can load it dingux system (2016-10-24, Unix_Linux, 1469KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] bbsv4plus

采用动网 v6.0核心改编 设计更人性化 装有部分常用插件 并修改了所有错误, 美化所有页面,是至今以来艺术流氓最好的一次版本! 采用安装方式 选中自定义安装即可~! 初始管理员帐号admin 密码admin888 后台 admin888
Mobility v6.0 core using adaptation Design more humane partially filled with common plug-ins And modify all the errors, Beautify all the pages, is the art of rogue best so far since the first version! Methods to install custom installation can be selected ~! Initial administrator account admin password admin888 admin888 background (2016-03-11, Unix_Linux, 3946KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] jyarticle

影缘原创文学网 管理员:梏鸿影 密码:111
Movies edge Original Literature Network Administrator: Hong brace Movies Password: 111 (2016-03-06, Unix_Linux, 1034KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] dvbbskey

Forgotten Mobility super administrator tool DVBBS-kEY Action Network Administrator key tool (2016-03-06, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] libc

a useful C library (2015-12-29, Unix_Linux, 3508KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] sumo

using openstreetmap to get a network and randomly generate vehicle path. (2015-07-21, Unix_Linux, 1221KB, 下载28次)


[Windows编程] pch_phub

MAX number of INT_REDUCE_CONTROL registers.
MAX number of INT_REDUCE_CONTROL registers. (2014-10-30, Unix_Linux, 6KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 3G-network-topology-structure

All kinds of element position description of 234G communication in detail, using three-dimensional space description. Very intuitive. To understand and be familiar with the network communication topology is very helpful. (2014-08-18, Unix_Linux, 244KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] tr111

NAT UDP penetrate fully analyze and complete solutions, and network management specifications TMS (2014-03-02, Unix_Linux, 5479KB, 下载75次)


[Windows编程] delauney

Using C# programming language design and implementation of delauney triangulation process (2010-05-30, Unix_Linux, 3775KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] network

This is a network of information and communication software. For all of us to understand the process of modern communication useful. (2009-05-08, Unix_Linux, 27678KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] MFPDA_E-boys(PC)1.0

minigui PDA系统 可实现手机功能,短信功能,娱乐功能 包括小游戏,播放器
system can achieve minigui PDA mobile phone functions, messaging, entertainment features, including small game, the player (2009-04-07, Unix_Linux, 7471KB, 下载248次)


[Windows编程] ST71x_ethernet

ST71x以太网测试程序.开发环境:ads. 连好网线,在windows下,开始运行中使用ping –t 命令
ST71x Ethernet test procedure. Development environment: ads. Even the good lines in the windows, began running in the use of ping command (2007-11-12, Unix_Linux, 908KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] mail_CHINADNS_server

新网邮件系统第四部分 (邮件服务器) 新网www.chinadns.com邮件服务器源代码 新网互联与新网分家时从内部流出 对于研究大型邮件服务器构建百万级邮件系统弥足珍贵的资料 因为是内部流出版所以部分说明文件不全 共分四个部分安装只要将四部分解压到一块 然后执行里面的 10.sh 20.sh按文件编号顺序执行即可 最后该系统需要freebsd 3.2以上版本
new network mail system fourth part (mail server) new network www.chinadns.com Post pieces of the server source code with the new network Xinwanghulian separation from the inside out for the study of large mail server build one million mail The system is extremely valuable because it is internal information flow published some of incomplete documentation is divided into four parts will be installed as long as 4- then extract an implementation inside 10.sh 20.sh according to the documents numbering sequence will be the final implementation of the system required freebsd to version 3.2 (2007-06-16, Unix_Linux, 4967KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] mailconf

新网邮件系统第二部分 (邮件设置) 新网www.chinadns.com邮件服务器源代码 新网互联与新网分家时从内部流出 对于研究大型邮件服务器构建百万级邮件系统弥足珍贵的资料 因为是内部流出版所以部分说明文件不全 共分四个部分安装只要将四部分解压到一块 然后执行里面的 10.sh 20.sh按文件编号顺序执行即可 最后该系统需要freebsd 3.2以上版本
new network mail system second part (mail setup) and the new network www.chinadns.com mail Xinwanghulian server source code with the new network separation from the inside out for the study of large mail server build one million mail system EC invaluable information because of the internal flow published some of incomplete documentation is divided into four parts will be installed as long as four parts then extract an implementation inside 10.sh 20.sh according to the documents numbering sequence will be the final implementation of the system needs freebsd above version 3.2 (2007-06-16, Unix_Linux, 947KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] automail

新网邮件系统第一部分 (自动邮件) 新网www.chinadns.com邮件服务器源代码 新网互联与新网分家时从内部流出 对于研究大型邮件服务器构建百万级邮件系统弥足珍贵的资料 因为是内部流出版所以部分说明文件不全 共分四个部分安装只要将四部分解压到一块 然后执行里面的 10.sh 20.sh按文件编号顺序执行即可 最后该系统需要freebsd 3.2以上版本
new network mail system first part (automatic mail) new network www.chinadns.com mail Xinwanghulian server source code with the new network separation from the inside out for the study of large mail server build one million mail system EC invaluable information because of the internal flow published some of incomplete documentation is divided into four parts will be installed as long as four parts then extract an implementation inside 10.sh 20.sh according to the documents numbering sequence will be the final implementation of the system needs freebsd above version 3.2 (2007-06-16, Unix_Linux, 106KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] DavinciEVM_CPLD-gamma

CPLD源码 达芬奇开发套件 很好 <没找到!> 查询更多词典 搜索因特网
CPLD source da Vinci Boards good (2007-04-23, Unix_Linux, 218KB, 下载39次)
