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[多国语言处理] OkLoginShare

OkLoginShare是一个封装了QQ、微信、微博登录和分享功能的 库 ,分享支持纯文 字 、 纯图片、网页(图文)三种格式,可分享到微博、QQ好友、QQ空间、微信好友、朋友圈、微信收藏。,
OkLoginShare is a library that encapsulates the functions of QQ, WeChat, and Weibo login and sharing. Sharing supports three formats: plain text, plain pictures, and web pages (images and texts), which can be shared to Weibo, QQ friends, QQ space, WeChat friends, circle of friends, and WeChat collections., (2018-01-11, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)
