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按分类查找All 电子政务应用(17) 

[电子政务应用] deiugglngf

Data applications including office automation system, often the backbone bandwidth in a short period of time, (2017-06-28, Java, 178KB, 下载1次)


[电子政务应用] TES

Forensics network security features, the main evidence for the e-government network (2010-09-27, Unix_Linux, 334KB, 下载11次)


[电子政务应用] huibo-free20100125

Electronic commerce, commonly known as (electronic marketing) e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage. The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction s lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. (2010-02-23, Windows_Unix, 3262KB, 下载56次)


[电子政务应用] 06bookstore_source_code

bookshop (2009-11-06, Java, 2065KB, 下载6次)


[电子政务应用] netbook

我们的目标:做最具有价值的网上开店软件 NetShop软件特点介绍: 1、使用ASP.Net(c#)2.0、多层结构开发 2、前台设计不采用任何.NET内置控件读取数据,完全标签化模板处理,加快读取速度 3、安全的数据添加删除读取操作,利用存储过程模式彻底防制SQL注入式攻击 4、前台架构DIV+CSS兼容IE6,IE7,FF等,有利于搜索引挚收录 5、后台内置强大的功能,整合多家网店系统的功能,加以优化。 6、支持三种类型的数据库:Access、SqlServer、MySql(当前Access版)
Our goal: to do the most valuable software online shop software NetShop Features: 1, the use of ASP.Net (c#) 2.0, the development of multi-layer structure 2, the use of any future design. NET built-in controls to read the data, completely labeling of the template processing to speed up the read speed of 3, to add security to delete the data read operation, the use of the complete control model stored procedure SQL injection attacks on 4, the future structure of DIV+ CSS-compatible IE6, IE7, FF and so on, is conducive to search cited Indexed loved 5, the background features a built-powerful, integrated system features a number of cybercafes, to be optimized. 6, support for three types of databases: Access, SqlServer, MySql (the current version of Access) (2009-07-07, ASP, 5780KB, 下载33次)


[电子政务应用] www.599cn.com

一套开源WEB的网站管理系统,采用网络中已经成熟、稳定地技术ASP+Access/SQL开发而成, 通过它,您可以很方便地管理自己网站。当前本系统已具有如下功能特点: 用户管理,多用户管理分权限发布、用户短信、收藏功能,会员在线充值,支持网银和NPS在线支付。 文章、会员浏览文章权限设置。 广告管理功能全部由系统生成JS文件管理,避免了修改广告代码后需要重新生成HTML文件; 强大的模板后台,可灵活自由的生成模板标签、JS自动生成,让您的站点版式自由改变。 强大的文章功能,文章采集的同时可以选择是否下载图片到本地及分页采集。 其它模块,留言、友情连接自助申请,上传水印,内容关键字功能。 全站生成HTML页面;增加系统安全性,自由设置生成HTML文件扩展名和存放目录 完善的上传文件清理功能,为您清除垃圾文件;
A set of open source WEB site management system, a network has been mature, stable technology ASP+ Access/SQL developed through it, you can easily manage their own site. At present the system has the following features: (2009-05-14, ASP, 37117KB, 下载34次)


[电子政务应用] wmdgovment

完美的ASP版政府网站,后台功能非常强大,并参考目前众多流行的国内政府网站重新做了美化,适用于各政府、单位网站的建设, 中极速设计政府网管理系统,Asp+ACCESS的完美结合,高效的页面执行效率,特别优化系统安全性能,可令你在茫茫网海中一支独秀。
ASP version of the perfect government web sites, a very powerful back-office functions, and many popular reference to the current national government web sites to re-do the landscaping for the Government, the construction unit site, the design speed of the government management system, Asp+ ACCESS perfect combination of efficient implementation of the efficiency of the page, especially the optimization of system safety performance, can you sea in a vast network of independent show. (2009-05-11, ASP, 7625KB, 下载146次)


[电子政务应用] xmzfw

夏茂政府网站,完整无错版,夏茂政府网完整无错 用户密码 admin
夏茂government web sites, a complete error-free version of the Government夏茂network integrity wrong user password admin (2008-12-03, ASP, 2209KB, 下载70次)


[电子政务应用] 0202

Chongqing secondary network, can prevent implantation, bad language filter, the interface is simple and can look strong, the whole station-wide static (2008-09-21, ASP, 1251KB, 下载12次)


[电子政务应用] C2C电子商务二手交易网站

C2C二手交易网SMRUC v2.0 全部实现了C2C电子商务功能。 特别适合高校、组织、社区实现自己的C2C电子商务。 C2C二手交易网SMRUC v2.0具有强大的用户自主发布和管理信息功能、搜索功能、信息 分类功能、站内通讯功能和网站自动运行功能。同时也最大程度上提供了网站需要的 发展日志、留言本、服务器信息察看、数据库备份和管理。 C2C二手交易网SMRUC v2.0开创性地开发了信息推送技术。只要用户选择接受信息推送, 当用户发布信息后,系统将把和他信息相关的信息以站内消息的方式通知用户。使系统更 智能化、人性化。
C2C secondary trading networks SMRUC v2.0 achieved the C2C e-commerce functions. Particularly suitable for colleges, organizations, communities realize their C2C e-commerce. C2C secondary trading networks SMRUC v2.0 users with a powerful independent releases and information management functions, search functions, functional classification of information, communication stations and websites automatic functionality. Also maximum extent necessary to provide a website development log, the message, the server information see, database backup and management. C2C secondary trading networks SMRUC v2.0 pioneering the development of information technology push. If users choose to accept push information when users after the information is released, the system will, and his information-related inform (2005-10-31, ASP, 283KB, 下载228次)


[电子政务应用] 网域商城购物系统2006完全版

网上购物系统,是在网络上建立一个虚拟的购物商场,避免了挑选商品的烦琐过程,使您的购物过程变得轻松、快捷、方便,很适合现代人快节奏的生活;同时又能有效的控制"商场"运营的成本,开辟了一个新的销售渠道。 网域商城购物系统是网域高科设计开发的基于WEB的大型购物系统。它以构建电子商务网站为目标,由前台购物、后台管理、在线支付三大部分组成。各大部分完美结合,都有着最为完善和强大的功能,最大限度的满足客户在线购物和商城管理员深入管理的需求。系统分为普通版和SQL版,满足各个级别用户购建电子商务平台的需要。网域商城购物系统和动网论坛系统已经完美结合, 两个系统一个入口,大大的简化了会员的注册步骤,节省时间, 提高工作效率。是构建各种大中小商务网站的首选!
online shopping system, the network is built on a virtual shopping mall, the selection of goods to avoid the cumbersome process of your shopping process becomes easy, fast, convenient and suitable to the fast-paced modern life; While effective control "shopping center" operating cost, open production of a new sales channel. Domain shopping mall is the domain system design and development of science and technology based on Web shopping system. It is to build e-commerce sites targeted by the prospects of shopping, management background, the online payment three major components. Most of the perfect combination, with the most perfect and powerful functionality to maximize customer satisfaction online shopping mall managers and in-depth management needs. System is divided into the re (2005-10-26, ASP, 1889KB, 下载364次)


[电子政务应用] shop网页(jsp)

wrote an online shopping site, the code is JSP school friends Watchable procedures! Learning (2005-09-04, Java, 1470KB, 下载280次)


[电子政务应用] EES3

企业易站官方网站 下面是相关帮助信息: 1.企业易站官方网站 http://www.ees.cn 2.企业易站官方服务论坛 http://www.ees.cn/forum/ 3.EES企业易站 安装使用手册下载 http://www.ees.cn/forum/topic.php?forumid=6&filename=f_4
enterprises vulnerable points below the official website of the relevant information to help : 1. Enterprises Yi Station official website http://www.ees.cn 2. Yi Station official business services forum http://www.ees.cn/forum/ 3.EES enterprises Yi Station Security loaded manual download http://www.ees.cn/forum/topic.php forumid = = f_4 6filename (2005-08-02, Java, 1432KB, 下载23次)


[电子政务应用] JSP购物车(SQLserver版)

简单的JSP电子商务网站购物车 带结算功能,带注册系统
simple JSP Cart e-commerce site with the clearing functions, with the registration system (2005-06-13, Java, 381KB, 下载570次)


[电子政务应用] NetOffice

Net office system wroten with Java.Including detail installing doc.and src.Config under Weblogic5. (2005-05-23, Java, 23202KB, 下载3669次)


[电子政务应用] EMall10

中国工商网电子商务购物中心系统EMall 软件介绍: 完全公开源代码,并无任何许可限制,特别基于大型电子商务网站的系统开发 Microsoft SQL Server 2000后台数据库,充分应用了存储过程的巨大功效 基于类模块的扩展数据访问能力支持任何类型的大型数据库
China Business Network e-commerce shopping EMall system software introduced : a completely open-source, no licensing restrictions, in particular for large-scale e-commerce site development system for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database background, the use of the storage process of the tremendous effect on the Class of Extended Data Module visit the capability to support any type of large databases (2005-03-28, MultiPlatform, 923KB, 下载54次)


[电子政务应用] supcode_32313

在线报价程序V0.1 免费版: 1、后台添加产品 2、后台分类 3、后台添加友情连接 4、会员管理 5、客户留言 6、在线订单 7、捆绑了《忠网广告管理系统》 8、公告发布、管理 管理员:admin 密码:admin888 演示:http://www.culian.com.
online free version V0.1 procedures : 1, 2 products to add background, the background of three classifications, add background friendship linking four, five members of management, customers six messages, online orders seven, tied up the "loyalty advertising network management system", 8 announcement management Administrators : admin password : demo admin888 : http://www.culian.com (2005-03-25, ASP, 1982KB, 下载28次)
