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[屏幕保护] 46756347

Super simple VB program cafes lock screen, there is a need to download it. (2013-08-14, Visual Basic, 27KB, 下载6次)


[屏幕保护] pingbao

A screen saver C++ source, easy to play, for all entertainment and learning Kazakh (2012-05-29, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[屏幕保护] LOCKJTL

1.本系统界面友好,容易操作。 2.本系统用于挂机,可以用于网吧游戏挂机锁住屏幕。 3.本系统能显示开始挂机时间和挂机所用时间。 4.本系统最大的特点是可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ)。 5.本系统是通过修改注册表来禁止任务管理器的,不过系统退出会还原注册表。 下一版本改为远程注入来禁止任务管理器。 6.本系统还禁止了系统热键,任务条,开始键等。 7.本系统使用了不少技巧,其中参考了不少人的代码,这里不一一致谢,如有
1 This system is user-friendly, easy to operate. 2 This system is used to hang up, hang up the game can be used to lock the screen bars. 3 The system can display the time began to hang up and hang up the time used. 4 This system features the largest screen keyboard can be used to hide the window and enter the password (like QQ). 5 This system is by modifying the registry to disable the Task Manager, but the system will exit to restore the registry. To remote into the next version to disable Task Manager. 6 This system also prohibits a system hotkey, taskbar, start button and so on. 7 This system uses a lot of skill, which many people refer to the code, do not thank them here, if (2012-01-13, Visual C++, 1755KB, 下载9次)


[屏幕保护] lock-mouce

Similar to the cafe, turn the mouse locked in the upper left corner, it is practical (2011-02-19, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载6次)


[屏幕保护] LOCK

vc++ to hang up the lock screen system, I believe that everyone is familiar with it, you can lock your computer, others can not, you need to know the password can, S the software is not only functional, but user-friendly, fake QQ interface, CcTry.Com screenshot, but also prompt a timely pop-up operations, more human, can be dedicated to Internet cafes or personal office computer, and began to hang after the show hang time, but can also use the screen keyboard to enter the password and hide the window (similar to the QQ), this procedure also involve the operation of the registry, when you close the program, will release the registry. (2010-12-17, Visual C++, 1756KB, 下载36次)


[屏幕保护] LOCK

锁屏软件 类似网吧的锁屏软件 可以设置密码 并记录锁屏时间
Screen lock software lock screen like Internet cafes and record software can set the password lock screen time (2010-07-09, Visual C++, 5808KB, 下载15次)


[屏幕保护] fastcat

小小的抓屏程序的实现 刚开始写的程序有BUG,其根本原因是按像素处理速度太慢,还在处理过程中的时候,显存中的内容已经改变了,所以会出来意想不到的画面。
minor procedures to achieve just started writing the procedures BUG, and the fundamental reason is based on pixel processing speed is too slow, but also the course of processing, memory of the contents have changed, it will be out of unexpected images. (2005-04-27, Visual C++, 2048KB, 下载34次)
