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按分类查找All 弱点检测代码(13) 

[弱点检测代码] Bjorn

Bjorn是一个教育网络安全项目,旨在在配备Waveshare屏幕的Raspberry Pi Zero上运行。一旦连接到网络(WiFi、以太网、蓝牙或USB),Bjorn将发现网络上的目标,识别开放端口、暴露的服务和潜在漏洞。
Bjorn is an educational cybersecurity project designed to run on a Raspberry Pi Zero equipped with a Waveshare screen. Once connected to a network (WiFi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, or USB), Bjorn will discover targets on the network, identify open ports, exposed services, and potential vulnerabilities. (2024-06-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] AZScanner

自动漏洞扫描器,自动子域名爆破,自动爬取注入,调用sqlmapapi检测注入,端口扫描,目录爆破,子网段服务探测及其端口扫描,常用框架漏洞检测。 Automatic scanner, automatic sub domain blasting, automatic cra...,
Automatic vulnerability scanner, automatic sub domain name explosion, automatic crawl injection, calling sqlmap api to detect injection, port scanning, directory explosion, subnet segment service detection and its port scanning, common framework vulnerability detection. Automatic scanner, automatic sub domain blasting, automatic cra, (2016-11-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] weibo-leaks

503925365 microblog personal union messages were swept away, and the price of an website was less than 20 yuan! This tool can help you check whether your Weibo account is successful, (2020-10-01, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] fow

Required for Windows Form Designer support TODO Add any cons
Required for Windows Form Designer support TODO Add any cons (2019-05-25, C/C++, 6KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] returns

Rebar 这个代码可以返回当前机子中的网卡的以太网地址
Rebar this code returns the Ethernet address of the network card in the current machine (2019-05-25, Unix_Linux, 55KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] onebaszc

P2P classical networking protocol Gossip, this protocol is one of the basic P2P network protocols, which can help to build P2P networks. (2019-05-25, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] 18747679

Flat Scroll Bar 这个代码可以返回当前机子中的网卡的以太网地址
Flat Scroll Bar this code returns the Ethernet address of the network card in the current machine (2019-05-25, C++, 42KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] machine_adxrxss

ComCtl32Ver 这个代码可以返回当前机子中的网卡的以太网地址
ComCtl32Ver this code returns the Ethernet address of the network card in the current machine (2019-05-24, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载0次)


[弱点检测代码] speedtest

寻找无线网 恶意链接点 测试无线网恶意链接点下的速度~~
Looking for Wireless malicious links point test speed ~ ~ (2013-06-19, Visual C++, 65KB, 下载10次)


[弱点检测代码] Havij-Source-Code

source code havij sql injection
source code havij sql injection (2012-06-18, Visual Basic, 137KB, 下载26次)


[弱点检测代码] AVGateService_EMail

 监控服务器上运行的HTTP、FTP、SMTP、POP3等所有应用服务;   监控服务器上文件和目录是否被修改,监控WEB网站是否被黑;   监控DDN专线、VPN隧道的可用性、丢包率和延时;   分析和管理内网流量情况;   监控机房内温度和湿度等环境参数;   监控UPS不间断电源的各种数据及状态;   监控到故障,通过手机短信、电话、电子邮件、发出报警声音和监控屏幕警告等方式通知管理员
Monitoring server running on HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and all other applications monitor files and directories on the server has been modified to monitor WEB site is to be black monitoring DDN special line, VPN tunnel availability, packet loss and delay analysis and management within the network flows monitoring room temperature and humidity and other environmental parameters monitoring UPS uninterruptible power supply of the various data and status monitoring the fault, via SMS, telephone, email, voice and alarm monitoring screen warning and so notify the administrator (2010-10-09, Visual C++, 151KB, 下载37次)


[弱点检测代码] Erlang_e

爱尔兰 公式这个公式主要适用于通信网中的阻塞率计算。以及在电话网中的仿真也可以用上
Ireland formula the formula is mainly applied to telecommunication network blocking rate. And in the telephone network in the simulation can also be used (2008-07-01, C/C++, 44KB, 下载35次)


[弱点检测代码] SeePass

采用远程线程查看星号密码,支持查看某些采用了 anti 技术的编辑框。大部分网游就是因为这样所以用传统的键盘HOOK技术取不到密码。这份代码提供了完整的解决方案。用处嘛?还用多说?
distance threads View asterisk password used to support the view of some anti technical editor box. Most online games is the reason why the traditional keyboard HOOK fail to obtain passwords. This code provides a complete solution. Useful incorrect? Also used to say? (2006-01-06, Asm, 6KB, 下载2675次)
