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按分类查找All DirextX编程(18) 

[DirextX编程] dangdang

A functional model of Dangdang, mainly merchandise display function, etc. (2014-06-20, Java, 6715KB, 下载3次)


[DirextX编程] LIE

在微软win32 框架下DX开发的基础,三角网算法的实现
DX in Microsoft win32 framework under development based on triangular mesh algorithm (2013-03-05, Visual C++, 2410KB, 下载2次)


[DirextX编程] directx9.0sdk_download_address

这是DirectX 9.0SDK和DirectX 9.0bSDK的下载地址我找了好久,DirectX 9.0SDK是支持VC++6.0的包含有Directshow,DirectX SDK2004sum是支持VS.net2003的业包含有Directshow,不同的开发环境要不同的SDK,DirectX SDK2004sum在微软官网上有,DirectX 9.0SDK在微软官网上找不见。
This is the download address of the DirectX 9.0SDK and DirectX 9.0bSDK I am looking for a long time, DirectX 9.0SDK support VC++6.0 contains have the Directshow, the DirectX SDK2004sum support VS.net2003 the industry contains Directshow, and different development environments SDK, DirectX SDK2004sum Microsoft' s official website, DirectX 9.0SDK in the Microsoft official website to find not seen. (2012-07-19, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载57次)


[DirextX编程] 3D

3D car racing, powerful functions to simulate the actual scene, so that the player immersive, highly entertaining! (2012-06-19, Windows_Unix, 719KB, 下载8次)


[DirextX编程] audio-tool

pcmtest-8k.exe:播放pcm音频文件(8k , 16 bit,1 channel) pcmtest-16k.exe:播放pcm音频文件(16k , 16 bit,1 channel) test-g7112pcm.exe:将G711A转化为pcm格式,运行程序,输入文件名后,再输入转化的单位字节(以每80/160 short单位转化) testresample.exe:将pcm 8k,16 bit,1 channel转化为16k,16bit,1channel
pcmtest-8k.exe:play pcm data file(8k , 16 bit,1 channel) pcmtest-16k.exe:play pcm data file(16k , 16 bit,1 channel) test-g7112pcm.exe:convert G711A to pcm,run the exe,after enter file name,please enter the unit size you one to convert one time(80/160 short one time) testresample.exe:resample pcm with 8k,16 bit,1 channel to pcm with 16k,16bit,1channel (2012-05-19, Visual C++, 65KB, 下载15次)


[DirextX编程] sf_20069181627

渣打、博世、中萃、辉瑞、网易、TNT本周联合招聘实习生并接受简历推荐 以下企业已加盟“实习51”活动,并重点在本周进行招聘。童鞋们在活动页面报名后,只需通过初步简历筛选,即可由前程无忧将你的简历推荐给这些企业实习岗位。 据调查,推荐简历的面试...
Rich merchants (2011-05-12, Visual C++, 155KB, 下载3次)


[DirextX编程] Advanced-Animation-with-DirectX

Advanced Animation with DirectX 书的配套代码,详细讲解了用DricetX9 制作高级3D动画。说是珍藏版言过其实,但里面附有sdk的下载地址(218MB上传不来),本书的源码对sdk版本可是有要求的,而本资源所附的sdk的版本在能符合那些源码的sdk中又是最新的。想解决版本问题的话,自己摸索固然是不难,但却也是挺费功夫的,特别是下载还有编译出错找原因的时间。但这些都是其次,找sdk资源才是最费劲的,反正我是官网google百度gougou电驴找了挺久才找到。 里面有配置流程,源码下过来配置几下就可以用,有的人是驾轻就熟,但新手就不一定了。
Advanced Animation with DirectX book supporting code, explained in detail making use of advanced 3D animation DricetX9. Collector s Edition is an overstatement, but there with sdk download address (218MB upload does not come), the book s source code version of the sdk, but there are requirements, and the resources of the version attached to the sdk to match those in the source sdk He also is the latest. Want to solve the version of the problem, of course, is not difficult to find their own way, but it is also quite himself or herself, especially to download also the time to find a cause compile errors. But these are followed, looking for resources is the most strenuous sdk, anyway I google Baidu gougou official website to find a very long time eDonkey to find. There are configuration process, the source over the next few configuration can be used, and some people very much at home, but not necessarily a novice. (2011-03-17, Visual C++, 12366KB, 下载19次)


[DirextX编程] Ogre_3d_1.7_beginners_Guide[PDF]

  OGRE(Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,即:面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用C++开发的面向场景、非常灵活的3D引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用硬件加速的3D图形系统开发应用。这个类库隐藏了底层系统库(如:Direct3D和OpenGL)的所有细节,提供了一个基于世界对象和其他直观类的接口。这官方出的一本书,极具参考价值
A new book covering the basics has just been published covering our latest stable version, Ogre 3D 1.7. It was created by our community member Felix <mirlix> Kerger and reviewed by some of our most respected and experienced users. According to the author, the book covers topics ranging from the very simple beginnings, complex scene creation, post processing and Ogre extensions via plugins. In order to follow the book and its sample based approach you are only expected to already have some knowledge of C++. More information about the book and a sample chapter can be accessed on the publisher’s homepage (“PacktPub”), where you can also directly buy the book. (2011-01-24, Visual C++, 4400KB, 下载36次)


[DirextX编程] film

DirectShow source analysis based on the film, we want to help! (2010-09-01, Visual C++, 14896KB, 下载4次)


[DirextX编程] 2007614292339

3D 台球游戏 vb 版,可玩性强,它使用DirectX 8.0,使用了许多 3D 程序必须的技术,例如: 冲突检测和反应、矩阵变革、线性插值法、端点和索引缓冲、textured 滤网、阴影,光线追踪等。请看程序截图!
3D billiards game vb version, playability strong, it uses DirectX 8.0, 3D program must use a number of technologies, such as: conflict detection and response, matrix transformation, linear interpolation, the endpoint and index buffer, textured filter, shadow , ray tracing. See program screenshots! (2010-07-17, Visual Basic, 275KB, 下载21次)


[DirextX编程] 3DGame

This is a tutorial introduction to Direct3D by Weng Yunbing teacher preparation. Particularly suitable for beginners, of course, those who master the manual can also be used as (2010-04-03, Visual C++, 9105KB, 下载17次)


[DirextX编程] JediDelphix

最完善的网游开发Delphi Directx组件.
Jedi-Delphix (2010-03-13, Delphi, 1922KB, 下载90次)


[DirextX编程] 0522AzWaveImageFilter

这是在Wice6.0 下用VS2005开发的Transform filter 有兴趣的朋友可以下来看看。 我在Wince6.0下用该Filter实现了图片叠加,可以抓图。不过只支持BMP格式。
This is Wice6.0 developed using VS2005 interested Transform filter down to see friends. I use the Filter under Wince6.0 a picture overlay, you can capture. However, only support BMP format. (2009-07-30, Visual C++, 7351KB, 下载6次)


[DirextX编程] XmudOS

Mmorpg online games in the corners of source, including client and server code Oh, can refer to (2009-01-18, Visual C++, 278KB, 下载69次)


[DirextX编程] DirectShow_code

《directshow开发指南》的配书代码。因网速原因只有第一章和第三章。需要的留下邮箱。(相当难找) (2008-05-01, Visual C++, 256KB, 下载99次)


[DirextX编程] DirectXSDK_VisualC++_game_desing

基于DirectX(SDK)的Visual C++游戏设计 电脑游戏经过短短30年的发展,已经成为影响公众生活,改变公众娱乐方式的重要产业。过去,人们主要是借助电影、电视、音乐等方式来娱乐。而今天,以游戏为代表的电子娱乐正在成为主流娱乐方式。游戏也正在迅速成长为一个庞大的产业。Microsoft Direct X(SDK)是一个基于COM技术的多媒体应用程序开发工具包,它代表了未来多媒体应用程序的开发方向。本文详细介绍了游戏设计基本概念和 Direct X 的构架,包括DirectDraw、Direct 3D、DirectSound,并在 Visual C++6.0环境下使用Direct X(SDK)开发多媒体游戏作为本论文的实例 (2007-09-22, Visual C++, 702KB, 下载118次)


[DirextX编程] 0

内部信息网组织规划的优化模型 NP问题 希望对大家有用
Internal information network planning optimization model organizations NP problem everyone wishes to be useful (2007-08-23, C/C++, 152KB, 下载6次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX8JC

《DirectX8教程》配套代码 [涉及平台] VC++ [作者] void [文件大小] 1003KB [更新日期] 2005-10-29 本代码来自CZVC编程网: HTTP://WWW.CZVC.COM
"DirectX8 Guide" complementary code [involving platform] VC void [Author] [large documents small] 1003KB [updated] 2005-10-29 CZVC the programming code from the net : HTTP :// WWW.CZVC.COM (2006-02-10, Windows_Unix, 1007KB, 下载264次)
