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按分类查找All TCP/IP协议栈(5) 
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[TCP/IP协议栈] TCP&UDPDebug

This test tool is used to test the TCP / UDP communication connection and the receiving and sending of test data in the server or client when developing network communication program. (2021-01-15, WINDOWS, 1178KB, 下载1次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tftpd32.333

传输协议 与路由器进行通信的一个工具transport protocol
transport protocolA Tool for Communication between Transport Protocol and Router (2019-05-16, WINDOWS, 481KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] win7 tcping小工具tcping小工具 1.0 免费版

Now a lot of room to do a no Ping, but we need to know how local and room connection speed is not good do, now tell you a little trick, no room can also Ping Ping, a tcping gadget is needed here, here is to introduce how to ban Ping server ping. (2017-10-28, WINDOWS, 45KB, 下载1次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] ZStack-CC2530-2.5.1a

Complete protocol stack demo program, including terminal nodes, coordinator nodes and routing nodes (2017-09-05, WINDOWS, 11038KB, 下载12次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCP_Socket_1.6

这个程序是一个非常干净的代码,由有经验的程序员编写,使用C ++类cSocket,在C ++平台上编写,并且附带一个MFC演示应用程序。 cSocket类很容易使用,即使是初学者也没有问题。
Event driven (non blocking, asynchronous) Winsock programming is a very complex topic. It is definitely NOT for beginners! I needed such code and searched the internet for a TCP communication class which is ready to use. But all I found (even here on CodeProject) was either buggy, immature beginner code or much too complex for my needs. So I ended up - investing many hours - to write my own decent class. I offer it here on CodeProject for all those who need a reliable and robust TCP socket class. What you can download here is a very clean code written by an experienced programmer, with proper error handling and plenty of comments. The universal generic C++ class cSocket, written in plain C++, comes with a MFC demo application. The cSocket class is so easy to use that even a beginner will have no problems with it. (2017-08-01, WINDOWS, 613KB, 下载18次)
