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按分类查找All 多显示器编程(3) 
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[多显示器编程] 12

The system is made up of single-chip microcomputer, display and other parts. It displays relevant information of the password lock using the display. If the password is entered correctly, the password lock is generated by the PM function and the PM random sea surface. The simulated sea surface is generated, and then the simulation is carried out. (2018-03-04, WINDOWS, 9KB, 下载2次)


[多显示器编程] 7

The system is composed of MCU, display and other components, using the display to display information related to input password lock, when power on internal default two number password (4 or more than 4); the other set password, or to verify the code, enter the correct password is simulated to open the lock. (2018-03-04, WINDOWS, 8KB, 下载1次)


[多显示器编程] S22A330BW-ltm220mt09-ok

Samsung display program S22A330BW-ltm220mt09 (2017-07-05, WINDOWS, 87KB, 下载1次)
