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按分类查找All 语音合成(3) 
按平台查找All WINDOWS(3) 

[语音合成] narrowBandWhiteNoise

In a MATLAB routine, the Gauss white noise is simulated by a bandpass filter to generate a narrow band random process. (2018-01-22, WINDOWS, 8KB, 下载14次)


[语音合成] MATLAB

Through the design of digital filters, to achieve the detection of voice signals to remove noise, deepen the understanding of digital filter design (2017-07-28, WINDOWS, 2KB, 下载3次)


[语音合成] chenxu

(1)录制一段语音信号,完成对信号的采样,画出信号的时域波形和频谱图,确定信号的频谱范围; (2)给信号叠加噪声(噪声类型分为如下几种:a白噪声;b单频噪色(正弦干扰);c多频噪声(多正弦干扰);d其它干扰。),画出受噪声干扰的信号时域波形和频谱图; (3)采用窗函数法设计FIR低通滤波器,画出滤波器的频响特性图; (4)用所设计的滤波器对受噪声影响的信号进行滤波,画出滤波后语音信号的时域波形图和频谱图; (5)对滤波前后的信号进行对比,分析信号的变化;回放语音信号,并与原始语音信号对比。
(1) record a speech signal, complete the sampling of the signal, draw the time domain waveform and frequency spectrum of the signal, and determine the spectrum range of the signal; (2) signal superposition noise (noise type is divided into the following: a white noise, B single frequency noise (sinusoidal interference); C multifrequency noise (multi sinusoidal interference); d other interference) Noise signal, time domain waveform and spectrogram are drawn; (3) the FIR low-pass filter is designed by using the window function method, and the frequency response characteristic of the filter is drawn; (4) the designed filter is used to filter the signal affected by the noise, and the time domain waveform and spectrogram of the filtered speech signal are drawn; (5) compare the signals before and after filtering, analyze the change of the signal, replay the speech signal, and compare with the original speech signal (2017-06-27, WINDOWS, 13KB, 下载8次)
