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[技术管理] SAN存储知识入门

现在的计算机网络系统,基本都是以服务器为中心的处理模式, 存储设备(包括磁盘阵列,磁带库,光盘库等)作为服务器的外设使
Today's computer network systems are basically server centric, Storage devices (including disk array, tape library, optical library, etc.) are used as peripheral devices of the server (2020-04-20, WINDOWS, 1183KB, 下载0次)


[技术管理] 释放器操作维修规程

Explain the working principle of the release device, and have reference and reference for the technical personnel. Please read it carefully. (2018-03-01, WINDOWS, 4066KB, 下载1次)


[技术管理] 太阳能逆变器工作原理8页

高清板PDF, 详细描述了并网型光伏系统结构, 光伏组件数学模型, 控制器电路拓扑, MTTP跟踪方法, 逆变原理和控制方法等
High definition board PDF, described in detail the grid connected photovoltaic system structure, photovoltaic module mathematical model, controller circuit topology, MTTP tracking method, inverter principle and control method (2017-10-14, WINDOWS, 250KB, 下载14次)


[技术管理] win7(x64)mantis

According to the online tutorial after completed, mantis can only on the machine and how to make the user login anytime and anywhere?Is the system builds on a specific server.Here add the following steps. (2017-07-18, WINDOWS, 23348KB, 下载1次)
