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[行业发展研究] Flower-Trading-Platform

随着网络技术的迅速发展,各种各样的网站已经深入到日常生活的各个角落,很多公司都建立的自己的网站,电子商务大行其道。以网站作为对外的展示窗口,进行内外信息交流,已成为大众的迫切需要。通过电子商务来完善对商品的采购给人们的生活带来了很大的方便,而且大大节约了成本和时间。 根据实践中所获得的花卉交易系统开发经验和在实体店中对于机构设置、业务流程、用户需求等方面的调研,并进行了合理的分析和研究,设计了常州武进区花卉交易平台系统。本系统采用JSP开发技术,使用MyEclipse8.6作为平台,Tomcat6.0作为服务器,使用SQLServer2000数据库作为系统数据库。系统主要实现的功能有:实现用户在线注册功能、登陆查询功能、订单、购物车功能、管理员后台登录功能等,是一个真正能够为消费者带来方便快捷的小型花卉交易平台,具有可视性强、设计成本小,利润高,系统安全性好,维护方便快捷等优点。 论文第一章首先描述了课题的背景及目的等,第二章介绍了花卉系统的需求分析,然后第三章介绍了系统的总体设计并且第四章介绍了系统的详细设计,接着第五章介绍了系统的实现,最后第六章介绍了系统相关测试,全面而完整地阐述了常州武进区花卉交易平台的设计与实现过程。
With the rapid development of network technology,a variety of sites have been deeply into every corner of daily life,many companies have established their own websites and e-commerce is in great demand.It has become an urgent need for the public,in order to site as an external display window to the exchange of the internal and external information .Through e-commerce to improve the procurement of goods to people’s live has brought great convenience,but also greatly has reduced the cost and time. According to the experience of developing the flower trading system and assessment on setting of institutions in the physical store, processes of business, requirements of users, a model of flower trading platform in Wujin district of Changzhou is designed. The system uses JSP development technologies,using MyEclipse8.6 as a platform,using Tmocat6.0 as a server,and using SQLServer2000 database as the system database.This online flower trading platform system mainly realizes the function:achie (2013-01-09, Java, 819KB, 下载8次)


[行业发展研究] ordering-and-sales-system

伴随着Internet的蓬勃发展,网上购物系统作为电子商务的一种形式正以其方便、高效、低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的经营模式和新的理念,人们已经不在单单满足于用途信息的浏览,而是渴望着能够充分享受网络所带来的便利。网络购物正适应了当今社会快节奏地生活,使顾客足不出户便可以方便快捷的选购自己喜欢的商品。 本论文介绍的系统便是尝试用JSP在网络上架构的一个动态的电子商务网站,它在Windows下平台下,以MySQL为数据库开发平台,Tomcat网络信息服务作为应用服务器,采用JSP(Java Server Pages)技术基于Struts架构开发的在线订购与销售系统(网上购物系统)。它分为前台部分和后台部分,前台部分由用户使用,主要包括用户注册,购物车管理,订单管理,个人资料管理等;后台部分由管理员使用,主要包括商品管理,处理订单,用户信息管理等功能。 开发成的网站系统是一个动态、交互式、具有商品提供、系统管理、用户留言等功能的电子商务网站。
Along with the viogorous development of the Internet , e-commerce networks as a shopping center is a form of its highly efficient ,low-cost advantages,gradually emerging as a business model and philosophy, there is no longer meet use and dissemination of information browsing, but a desire to bring the full enjoyment network more convenient. Internet shopping is being adapted to the fast pace of today’s society to live, so that customers can enjoy the convenience of fast and easy way to purchase their own like commodities. The paper introduces the system is trying to use JSP in a dynamic network of e-commerce websites structure, which is in Windows, MysQL for database development in platform, Tomcat application server as a network information services, online ordering and sales system(online shopping system) using use JSP(Java Server Pages) technology development on the Struts framework . It is divided into foreground and background elements,front part is used by user the prospects of (2013-01-09, Java, 1427KB, 下载10次)


[行业发展研究] tomcat-and-jboss

tomcat 和jboss 的区别基于Tomcat内核基于Tomcat内核的JBoss在J2EE应用服务器领域已成为发展最为迅速的应用服务器Tomcat的区别又在哪里
The difference between tomcat and jboss (2011-08-22, Java, 15KB, 下载3次)
