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按分类查找All 百货/超市行业(8) 
按平台查找All Java(8) 

[百货/超市行业] Eshop

Source Code of Management System for an Electronic Mall (2019-04-16, Java, 15545KB, 下载2次)


[百货/超市行业] XNmarket_1.0

主要功能分为四个: 1、添加商品 2、商品销售 3、商品查询 4、小工具(计算器)
The main functions are divided into four parts: 1, add goods 2, commodity sales 3, merchandise inquiries 4, small tools (calculator) (2018-10-15, Java, 3362KB, 下载1次)


[百货/超市行业] supermarket

连锁超市系统 课程作业 包括一个客户端 一个集中服务器 和一个分店服务器 提供各种服务 包括出库入库 特价策略 收银 退货
a supermarket system that with a lot of function (2012-10-06, Java, 5120KB, 下载12次)


[百货/超市行业] Supermarket

Supermarket chain management system: including client, server server stores, store, use the Access database, the network portion of the Socket programming (2011-12-15, Java, 1657KB, 下载25次)


[百货/超市行业] frshopJsp

网络购物系统Jsp版 开发语言:jsp+access(不支持resin服务器)
Online shopping system jsp development language version: jsp+ Access (do not support the resin server) (2008-07-12, Java, 586KB, 下载7次)


[百货/超市行业] weka_datamining

a small application for data mining software, integrated data mining of various functions, including relational analysis module, Classification Module, cluster analysis module (2007-04-14, Java, 4069KB, 下载171次)


[百货/超市行业] ajaxcd20060404

tomcat 详细方法请见http://www.webplat.cn的技术文档. 2.将解压后的文件夹拷至%tomcat_home%/webapps/Root下,文件夹下有index.jsp文件 3.在mysql环境中将src文件夹下jspshop.sql执行生成数据库 4.按照系统环境修改build.bat文件以及src中.java文件。 其中build.bat中修改tomcat和jdk的安装路径 其中.java文件修改数据库的地址、登陆用户名和密码 5.命令行下运行build.bat,运行完后%tomcat_home%/webapps/Root/web-inf/classes文件夹下有ckstudio文件夹 6.确定上述操作无误,重新启动tomcat.在浏览器中输入 http://localhost:8080/你解压后的文件名 提示:如果您不熟悉jsp环境配置,请严格按照上述步骤进行. 本软件经测试能在各种jsp服务器上运行,在linux平台上也能成功运行。 如不能正确配置,请参见http://www.webplat.cn或者用E-mail、QQ和我们联系。
tomcat detailed methodology, see http :// www.webplat.cn technical documents. 2. to extract the folder to emboss% tomca t_home%/webapps/Root, folder documents have index.jsp 3. in mysql environment will src folder jspsh op.sql implementation Generation Database 4. in accordance with the system environment and changes build.bat file src . java documents. Which build.bat modified tomcat and jdk which the installation path. Java Document the address database, username and password 5. command line running build.bat. After running tomcat_home%%/webapps/Root/web-inf/c lasses folder under ckstudio folder 6. establishes operating correctly, restart tomcat. the browser input http://localhost : 8080/After you unpack the file name Tip : If you are not familiar with jsp environment con (2006-05-16, Java, 1242KB, 下载50次)


[百货/超市行业] 电子商务课设报告

java编写的电子商务网站源码,做的一个电脑直销网站,后台数据库使用的是MS SQL2000 Server,数据流的流向主要有两个方向,一个是用户在客户端通过浏览器向服务器端发 送个人身份信息。而另外一个就是,服务器端从数据库中把用户所需的数据提取出来, 再发送发给客户端.
prepared by the e-commerce website source, a computer do direct marketing site, background database using the MS SQL2000 Server, the data stream flows, there are two main directions, a user on the client side through the browser to the server to send personal identity information. And the other one is that the server-side database from the user data extracted and then sent to the client. (2005-10-24, Java, 151KB, 下载111次)
