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[中间件编程] Ice3.4.2

ICE middleware The latest version of the 2011 instructions, which detail the use of ICE as well as examples of very suitable server development programmer (2011-09-02, Windows_Unix, 4134KB, 下载60次)


[中间件编程] tuxedo

tuxedo应用程序开发指南,在开发BEA Tuxedo应用程序之前,需要先搞清楚一系列和设计开发相关的概念,如识别什么是客户机,有哪些方法可以从外界收集数据并提交服务器进行业务处理;识别什么是服务器,哪些程序包容了可以处理客户机输入的商业逻辑;识别什么是类型缓冲区,客户程序在向其这程序发送数据前如何分配内存区域;什么是BEA Tuxedo的消息范例等。
tuxedo application development guide in the development of BEA Tuxedo applications, you need to find out the range and the design and development of related concepts, such as identifying what is the client, what methods can be submitted from outside the server to collect data and business processes identify what is the server, which processes inclusive of the client input can handle the business logic identify what type of buffer, the customer program that the procedure is to send data to its pre-allocation of memory areas What is the BEA Tuxedo message examples. (2009-09-08, Windows_Unix, 331KB, 下载12次)


[中间件编程] cpld_laser

cpld developed using laser controller source, it is already shaping products, we hope to useful (2006-07-28, Windows_Unix, 331KB, 下载87次)
