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按分类查找All GPS编程(4) 
按平台查找All Windows_Unix(4) 

[GPS编程] stm32chezaixitong

Based on GPS and GSM intelligent help system that uses stm32 as the main controller, MPU6050 for vehicle rollover detection. (2016-03-25, Windows_Unix, 5591KB, 下载13次)


[GPS编程] GPS-simulator-software

GPS 模拟器软件可以在PC上模拟GPS数据,发往串口。GPS相关软件开发者可以拿来测试用。
GPS simulator software can be simulated on a PC GPS data sent to the serial port. GPS software developers can be used to test. (2013-05-09, Windows_Unix, 1333KB, 下载244次)


[GPS编程] ViraceGPS

Virace GPS Simulator(以下简称为Virace)用软件模拟GPS接收器输出的GPS语 句,通过串行口输出到GPS应用软件。用键盘或鼠标控制Virace而模拟实际GPS接 收器的运动,从而在室内测试GPS导航软件等。
Virace GPS Simulator (hereinafter referred to as Virace) simulated GPS software GPS receiver output statements, through the serial port output to a GPS application software. With the keyboard or mouse control Virace simulate an actual GPS receiver movement, which in the indoor testing GPS navigation software. (2009-10-22, Windows_Unix, 660KB, 下载74次)


[GPS编程] QuickWAP2005

QuickWAP 2005 文件说明 1.Setup.exe QuickWAP 2005安装程序。 2.QuickWAP2005注册器.exe QuickWAP 2005注册程序。 3.企业WAP网站系统 基于QuickWAP 2005的企业WAP网站系统。
QuickWAP 2005 document describes the installation process 1.Setup.exe QuickWAP 2005. 2.QuickWAP2005 Register. Exe QuickWAP 2005 registration process. 3. Enterprise system is based on WAP site QuickWAP 2005 Enterprise WAP site system. (2008-12-11, Windows_Unix, 3059KB, 下载7次)
