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[文章/文档] 振弦采集模块VM501~608系列管脚定义

河北稳控科技VM604系列振弦采集模块读数测量工程项目硬件设备二次开发 VM604系列模块是单振弦式传感器激励、 频率读取、 温度转换的专业化读数模块,具有集成度高、 体积小、精度高、适应能力强、极少的外围电路设计等突出特性,具有多种激励方法、传感器接入检测、可编程激励电压、信号幅值检测和信号质量评定等先进功能。 能够测量传感器信号质量、幅值、频率、频模、温度并转换为数字量和模拟量输出 (2022-07-26, Windows_Unix, 493KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 无线振弦采集仪河北稳控科技低功耗多通道WFAS14

河北稳控科技低功耗多通道WFAS1431无线数据采集采发仪振弦传感器工程项目安全监测常用 专为野外恶劣自然环境和条件下开发的一种集太阳能充电、低功耗、防雷、接口齐备的一体化智能无线采控设备。 整个设备由供电模块、任务管理模块、功耗管理模块、无线模块、数字接口模块、模拟接口模块、防雷模块、系统控制模块、状态扫描模块及报警模块构成,固件程序采用UCOSGUI多任务实时操作系统及程序算法 (2022-07-26, Windows_Unix, 2307KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 基于Windows2008配置安装IIS FTP服务器

FTP site is established through windows, so as to establish a local area network for internal file transmission. (2019-03-19, Windows_Unix, 871KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 破解winserver2008密码步骤(RAID版)

Server 2008R2, password cracking (2018-01-16, Windows_Unix, 453KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] NAV350

Manuscript of nav350 , it is helpful for the developers who are focusing the laser sensor . (2017-08-09, Windows_Unix, 1383KB, 下载14次)


[文章/文档] DAC7513N

Typical D/Ac for very normal conditions This is the speciliation (2010-04-06, Windows_Unix, 338KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] proteus

基本概念 (read-out)单位被限制在1 thou。坐标原点位于工作区的中间,所以既有正坐标值,又有负坐标值。坐标位置指示器位于屏幕的右下角。 一旦实时捕捉(Real-Time Snap)功能使能,当鼠标指针指向管脚末端或者导线时,X、Y坐标之一或二者都被加亮显示,加亮显示说明鼠标指针位置已经被捕捉。例如,如果鼠标指针在一条横线附近,它将会被捕捉到Y轴,Y坐标将会被加亮。 屏幕外观(SCREEN LAYOUT) 概述(Introduction) 整个屏幕被分成三个区域——编辑窗口(EditingWindow)、预览窗口(Overview Window)、工具箱
The basic concept (read-out) unit was limited to 1 thou. Coordinate origin is located in the middle of the work area, so there are coordinate values, and negative coordinates. Coordinate position indicator is located in the lower right corner of the screen. Once the real-time capture (Real-Time Snap) feature enabled, when the mouse pointer when the wire or pin end, X, Y coordinates of one or both have been additional light show highlighting the location of the mouse pointer show that has been captured. For example, if the mouse pointer in the vicinity of a line, it caught will be arrested Y-axis, Y coordinates will be highlighted. The appearance of the screen (SCREEN LAYOUT) Overview (Introduction) of the screen is divided into three regions- the edit window (EditingWindow), the preview window (Overview Window), Toolbox (2009-07-09, Windows_Unix, 426KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] PWMxhatfiles

PWM control of inverter circuit technology is the most widely used technology. PWM inverter in order to analyze the circuit, from the basic principles of PWM control, the first set up the required inverter control circuit model, using IGBT as a switching device, and single-phase bridge voltage-type inverter circuit and the PWM The working principle of the control circuit is analyzed. Using a dual trace oscilloscope to the circuit' s output waveform analysis, the simulation waveform. Practice shows that: the use of PWM control technique able to achieve the operational requirements inverter circuit (2009-07-09, Windows_Unix, 31KB, 下载56次)


[文章/文档] AVR

avrC语言 全局和局部变量 • 全局变量 – 在 startup 初始化 – 存储于 SRAM – 必须加载到寄存器堆中 • 局部变量 – 在函数初期初始化 – 存储于寄存器当中直至函数结束
awqvrCyuyan] 全局和局部变量 • 全局变量 – 在 startup 初始化 – 存储于 SRAM – 必须加载到寄存器堆中 • 局部变量 – 在函数初期初始化 – 存储于寄存器当中直至函数结束 (2009-04-28, Windows_Unix, 1079KB, 下载21次)


[文章/文档] ONFI

Flash接口规范,你可以参考它设计你自己的最新标准的Nand Flash存储器读写软件和设计NandFlash IP for IC design
Open NandFlash interface specification (2009-03-30, Windows_Unix, 1768KB, 下载80次)


[文章/文档] Windows内核调试器原理浅析

Windows内核调试器原理浅析 简单分析了一下当前windows下主流内核调试器原理
Windows Kernel Debugger principle of a simple analysis for a moment under the current windows mainstream kernel debugger Principle (2005-05-11, Windows_Unix, 6KB, 下载419次)


[文章/文档] 技术性文章

computer technology summaries of articles, Windows shortcuts Daquan, LAN IP address allocation, LAN IP address allocation, how LAN erecting its own ftp server, the full restoration of manual registry (2005-03-15, Windows_Unix, 42KB, 下载24次)


[文章/文档] 在XP下架设Web和FTP服务器

XP erecting the Web and FTP servers (2005-03-06, Windows_Unix, 257KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] yacc computer

generates prepared by the calculator (2004-12-07, Windows_Unix, 17KB, 下载35次)
