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[网址推荐] random1

Random Number Generator compilation of source code .. Random Number Generator compilation of source code (2006-06-15, Windows_Unix, 6KB, 下载9次)


[网址推荐] V1.0b

This is a completely Chinese environment fool-assisted assembly language development tools; It contains 179 DOS/BIOS interrupt function and six commonly used procedural framework of the template, as long as the users according to their own needs in the window directive, it can quickly and accurate automatic generation of the corresponding source code compilation; the binary bit with the setup, the use of which register, the presentation of large amounts of data (such as : low portion of the grid at the intersection with), etc. programmers need to remember the past, to understand, measure, check information to complete the work, is now available from the software automatically implied. Framework template can be automatically generated compilation of the various procedures of the loop is t (2006-06-15, Windows_Unix, 496KB, 下载25次)


[网址推荐] 漏洞扫描器源代码

系统漏洞扫描源代码 235日清5435 4 4余热土语侮辱他
vulnerability scanning source code 235 days- 5435 4 4 I hotspot insulting language he (2006-01-11, Windows_Unix, 103KB, 下载236次)
