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[农业] STM32-Agriculture

Integration of various sensors commonly used in agriculture applications on a STM32 microcontroller platform. (2024-06-16, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[农业] arduino-nano-ph-sensor

Arduino Nano与pH传感器集成,能够实时监测液体中的酸碱度,非常适合应用于环境科学、农业和实验室实验。
The Arduino Nano, integrated with a pH sensor, enables real-time monitoring of acidity or alkalinity in liquids, ideal for applications in environmental science, agriculture, and laboratory experiments. (2024-06-11, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[农业] JohnDeereSTM32RaspPi

约翰迪尔拖拉机驾驶模拟器。该项目使用SoC(NUCLEO-F103RB开发板和覆盆子Pi 3 B型)来原型化集成到John Deere农用拖拉机中的技术。
John Deere tractor driving simulator. The project uses SoCs (NUCLEO-F103RB development board & Raspberry Pi 3 Model B) to prototype the technologies integrated into a John Deere agricultural tractor. (2024-05-13, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[农业] Farming-Simulator

This project was developed using the C programming language. It is a simple version of the farming simulation game "Farming Simulator". Players try to improve their economy by managing their farms and carrying out agricultural activities. The game includes basic farming operations. (2024-02-25, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[农业] paperCrop

将多栏PDF文件转换为单列,以便在6到10英寸的显示器(如Kindle Scribe)上查看。
Convert multi-column PDF files to single column to be viewed on 6 to 10 inch displays (such as Kindle Scribe). (2024-02-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[农业] smart-agriculture

基于stm32f103c8t6的智慧农业系统,采用uC OS- III操作系统,使用MQTT交换消息,QT作为用户界面,远程控制,实时管理,设置自定义触发器,当触发操作后执行触发任务,达到完全自定义的效果。,
The smart agriculture system based on stm32f103c8t6 adopts the uC OS - III operating system, uses MQTT to exchange messages, QT as the user interface, remote control, real-time management, set custom triggers, and execute the trigger task after the trigger operation to achieve a fully customized effect., (2023-10-09, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[农业] Melon_Green

Agricultural Automation Controller (Greenhouse, Farm, Garden, etc.), (2022-01-29, C, 0KB, 下载0次)
